Latest Episodes
Ep. 78: Sugar: What's the BFD?
UYL Podcast - Sugar: What's the BFD? Is sugar really bad for you? Can sugar be good for you?What is the difference?Bad sugar is...
Ep. 77: Feeding Your Hungry Body
Hello Gorgeous!!!You are you and there is nobody else just like you, your smile, your essence, YOUR ENERGY.Did you know that your body is...
Ep. 76: Diary of a Fat Chick
If exercise, dieting, and every fucking drug and weightloss system is so cutting edge that even Oprah endorses some of these products, then why...
Ep. 75: Past Life Regression
I was always fascinated by past life regression. I thought it would be magical and take me away from the pain I chose at...
Ep. 74: What's the BFD of Boundaries Anyway???
Setting a boundary for yourself is hands down the most powerful thing you can do for yourself.I no longer engage in any talk, feelings,...
Ep. 73: Mindset for a Positive Body Image
Grab a mantra, an affirmation a truism that you desire for yourself even if you don't believe it yet.Ask yourself, what would I feel...