Ep. 97: The Body Whisperer: You've Got This

Episode 97 May 10, 2023 00:10:51
Ep. 97: The Body Whisperer:  You've Got This
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep. 97: The Body Whisperer: You've Got This

May 10 2023 | 00:10:51


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

The Body Whisperer:  You’ve Got This

Sign up now for your 15 Minute Discovery Session @ BookWithLisa.me

You’ve got a brain, you have a mind, you have a heart, you have a soul, you have everything that everyone else has and now you know that you have your own unique Sparkle.

And, it is that Sparkle that is unique to you that is the game changer.  Everyone has it, and not everyone knows they have it.

Crank it up, Gorgeous!   Turn it up to 11 and then turn it up some more.  Read that poem, “Our Deepest Fear” by Marianne Williamson.   I grew up in a family of obese women who would sit around and bad mouth everyone because of their size, the food they ate, their money, their physical appetites.

Fuck that shit. We are on the verge of a new renaissance, and you gorgeous ones are on the front line because you are the ones who are paving the way for all.

You Got This!   Coming in June – listen here for more details!

Remember, you are Gorgeous!

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Episode Transcript

Welcome to another episode of unfuck your life, the podcast that celebrates you, creating your kick ass life. I'm your host Luiza. Grunden and we are talking about bodies today. Bodies, bodies, bodies, loving our bodies. And why do I talk about bodies? Because it's what you're walking around in. It's what you put your makeup on. It's what you drink. You put water into your body and tasty, delicious food, and you've wear all these fabulous clothes and you move around and your naked body and let's celebrate you because you've got this. What is it like to be the body whisperer from body shamers to buddy haters to nothing is absolutely right. Body whisperer. What does that bring up for you? For me? It's like the body whisper. Ban all these years, all these decades. Of self-hatred self-loathing and all that kind of stuff. Trying to fit into some kind of a morph of a body. And all of that is outside of you. Fuck that shit. Anything that's outside of you. And I know when somebody tried to tell me that 30 years ago, I'm like, God, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. What are you saying? It doesn't make any sense. No, no, no. Because so much of what is out there today so much that is out there about weight loss and it draws you in. Because if you just eat this one thing, you'll magically reduce your body size. If you just think this one thought, then you're automatically going to love and appreciate yourself. And that's so intoxicating and it's so entice thing. And so pay attention to those words. So intoxicating and so enticing. Because that is actually what you will connect with. That is the way to whisper to your body. That is the way to talk to your body. And a very sweet seductive, suggestive tone. Now here's the difference. And you're building trust. You're building love. You're building passion. You're building compassion. All of that. And as you are talking to yourself, As you are talking to your body as you were going about your day. What is it? That you can find to appreciate. Now I know when I was looking at the. When I was looking in the mirror, whether it was 264 pounds, 180 pounds, 219 pounds, even 117 pounds, because I couldn't, no matter what I did reach 115 pounds and I hated my body. It's like, why can't you do this instead of loving this creation of yours? Look at the clothes that you were looking at, how you do your makeup, some of you guys, how you do your eyes. Oh my goodness. You guys just look so freaking gorgeous. I absolutely love that. Singing a song. Hey, everybody. I would love to support you through these changes that you're making in your life. And is there something that you're wanting for yourself and you're not quite sure about the, what if the goals, the visions the craziness of it all. Hey, book, a discovery session with me. Go to book with lisa.me. That's book with lisa.me. Schedule your 15 minute discovery session and let's chat. I'd love to support you in any way that I can have a fabulous day. T or so. To you. Because this time it is different. And it's not just this time you've already got this. You don't need me to convince you that you've got this. You already got this. And I get so many emails from so many of you that if you could just love your bodies a little bit more, if you just, if you thought you were pretty, if you thought you were gorgeous, If you thought you were this, this, this, this, this sound familiar. I know that was certainly my mantra for a very long time. That was running through my head. And the thing is that you've got this, you already know the magic. It's just the consistent applying of the magic. It's just the, and the magic is the magic. Is you, the magic is you. And how you feel about yourself and how you talk about yourself because no amount of hate, no amount of shame, no amount of blame, no amount of guilt, no amount of anger. No. The amount of anything that is a downward spiraling emotion like that is going to get you to change this mindset. You've got this, you already know the secret. It is what you've longed for, what you look for in the bottom of the bag of everything that you've ever consumed. And every time that you've spent endless amount of money shopping or anything like that, you know what you are looking for. And it's you. Y O U. From. Fabulous. Fit. And it isn't the firm fabulous fit that you might've been thinking about. It's from in your mindset. That you've got this. It is fabulous. The way you smile when you see yourself. And you are mentally fit, emotionally fit. Physically. Gorgeous beyond compare. Now, some of you may have been thinking about how she talks about this a lot. She says, hello, gorgeous. She says, what's wrong with that? When you look at yourself, all it is you believe that you can, and you did you believe you can. And you did you believe that you could, and you, do you believe that you could, and you, do you believe that you could, and you, do you believe that you could, and you do their children's books that are written about stuff like that? Any self-help manual? Of all that had ever said is you got this and it. It's more than enough. All of the tips, all of the tricks, all of the techniques, and all boils down to you've got this. And there's that knowing that is in your mind and that knowing that it's in your gut and that knowing that is in your heart. And that's the piece that you open that is the body whisperer. As you whisper to yourself. Sweet nothings. I love you. Now I know it sounds ridiculous. It sounds cheesy. But if you were just looking in the mirror, this is one of the oldest techniques that there is. I love you. And for some of you, it's a bit of a stretch and it says I'm learning. How, what have you said, I'm learning how to love you. I'm learning that I do love you. I'm in the process. Of learning to love you. I'm in the process of loving myself. As the tone becomes more sweet. More alluring. I'm in the process of loving you. When I talk on every single podcast I say. Gorgeous. Because that is who I see. When I see. You. That is who you are. Reflecting back to me. Your gorgeousness, just scurry themes from you. And it's shouts from the rooftops, no matter how much you try to hide it, because that is your sparkle. That's Pirkle that is inside of you, that knowingness deep within you, that you've got this, you know what. Com and book a discovery session with me book with, excuse me, it's book with lisa.me a 15 minute conversation with me and let's turn that back up. Let's turn that back on. You guys have been asking for a body confidence course, and I've got one in the runnings is coming out in June. I don't quite have the links in the landing pages yet. So I'll get that to you on the next podcast. You've got this and it's time that we stopped fucking hating our bodies. It's time. That we started stop fucking hating our personalities, all of those things that make us uniquely gorgeous. Have you ever looked at a lot of the women on TV today? They've got the, all the same fucking mouth they've got the same fucking eyes. They do the same fucking hair and they've lost the uniqueness. That is them. That's bring it back. Gorgeousness is not lifts that are plumped, like this eyes that have the makeup done, like this hair. That looks just and by the way, this is what your outfit should look like. Fuck that shit. Gorgeousness is you, Y O U you makeup, no makeup, jumper naked, fully dressed to the nines. However, it is gorgeous is you. And as you whisper to your body, I'm not the only body whisper that's out there. There are a lot of you that do it sometimes for other people, whether you realize it or not. And it's time that we started fucking supporting each other and loving each other, instead of beating the ever living, sit out of each other. We are on the verge of a Renaissance of self-acceptance of magnitude proportion. And you are on the front lines. We are here at the front lines. You believe that you can end you will, you believe that you are, and you are, it is nourishing your mind and your body and your spirit with that. Berkel that's already inside of you. I'm finishing up the adventurous, his playbook right now, and everything revolves around your sparkle, your effervescence, your light, your shining. You don't have to look like me. You don't have to do it like me and her have to shout from the rooftops. And Dr. Seuss's book. It was, everybody was shouting and everybody was making all the noise. So the Horton could hear them. And it wasn't working until they fell in that little. I think her name was Susie and they found her and her teeny tiny voice added to all the rest of the voices, even though she was very tiny and she was very small. It was her voice that made the difference. It is you. That makes the difference. We were on the cusp of this revolution and we are tilting the scares. The scales we are going. Over that hill. And you got this. You've got this, you've got this. You've got this. Look at yourself in the mirror and say, I got this and put a smile on your face. As it turns out of your eyes. Because our fear is not that we're fat and unlovable. Our fear is that we are gorgeous beyond belief. I love you guys dearly, please. If you haven't done so already follow this podcast. And guess what you are unfuck with a Pearl. Yes. You doing it. Woo.

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