Ep. 96 - If the Universe is so Fricken Abundant, Why Aren't I Rich?

Episode 96 May 01, 2023 00:29:17
Ep. 96 - If the Universe is so Fricken Abundant, Why Aren't I Rich?
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep. 96 - If the Universe is so Fricken Abundant, Why Aren't I Rich?

May 01 2023 | 00:29:17


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

If the Universe is so Fricken Abundant, Why Aren't I Rich?

Right now, before we begin, take out a sheet of paper, draw a line down the middle and let’s write on the left all of the nitty, dirty, gritty proof you have that you are not rich..  On the right, write down all of the glorious fabulous proof you imagine you would have if you really were.

 Now, you have to go even further – engage all of your senses.  What does it feel like to be gloriously rich, what does it taste like, what does it smell like, what does it look like, what does it sound like, and what is your experience of all of this?

Thoughts and feelings experienced over and over and over again become habits.

Habits and feelings experienced over and over and over again become patterns.

The brain loves patterns.  First the brain observes and is curious what is this new thought and feeling?  Second the brain follows – where are all of these thoughts and feelings and what experiences are tied to them.   Lastly, the brain leads the charge and the full fledged pattern has been born.

 Book a discovery session with me today @BookWithLisa.me

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Episode Transcript

Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of unfuck your life, the podcast that celebrates you and apologetically celebrating your kick ass life. Oh my goodness. My name is Lisa and I have a question for you. I have a question cause I've been hearing a lot for a very long time about how abundant the universe is. And what I want to know is if the universe is so fricking. Abundant. Why aren't I rich, have you ever wondered about that? Oh, I'd like to delve deep and talk about that. If the universe is so freaking abundant, why aren't I rich? So let's think about that for a moment. Let's dialogue about this. What are all the reasons, all the proof that you have that you aren't rich? Is it your mindset? Is it your bank account? Is it where you live? Is it the job that you have? What are all the reasons? All the proof. That the real proof in the pudding that it's not working for. You. And so as you take a few moments to write all of those down and write them down after this podcast too, because there's another side to that paper. I should've told you to grab a sheet of paper. I draw a line down the middle. All the proof you have, you don't. And what would be the proof that you would read that you would require that you do? What would be the proof like is it, is there a dollar amount that there would be, is there a mindset. That you would have, is there a list of friends that you would be hanging with? Are there activities that you were doing if you were rich, if you were happy? Wallis Simpson said many years ago that you can never be too rich or too thin. And I think Joan Rivers. Also said, you can never be too thin or too rich. And so let's really examine what that means for us being thin, because these are both things that I had struggled with for a lot of my life. Sometimes I was on the upswing of them. Sometimes I was at the. The downswing of them and never was I celebrating. In any one moment, both my body and my wealth. In any shape or fashion until I started really playing it this way. So let's talk about it. You got those things down. What are some of those things that you have on your list? Is it because my mom said that I would never, that we were never meant to have any money. Was it that nobody in my family has ever been rich. Oh, rich people are filling the blank. Rich people are selfish. Rich people are mean rich people are awesome. Rich people are fabulous. Rich people are entitled, rich. People know how to create and how to generate is you. See, I swung both ways on that. So we're really playing with what are those deeply held beliefs that you have? Because when those deeply held beliefs are there and you give them so much fuel and so much fire and so much passion and so much conviction and you hold it up and go see, this is why, even though the universe is so forget to bummed in, I can never be rich. I'm not allowed to be rich. I'm not allowed to be wealthy. Excuse after excuse. I know their reasons. I get that. However, let's really look at them because anything that isn't you creating your kick ass life, anything that isn't, you claiming your identity anywhere, where there is something within you that says I can't, because I can't because I want it and I can't because I want to, I can't because I want it. I can't, because. If you want it. If you had a thought. If you had a wish. Then everything is already there. It's already been Crete ated. And I know people told me this, 30 years ago and I said, I was just, I didn't say to them, I just nodded and smiled. And in my head I was going bullshit. In my head. As compulsive, that is not true. That doesn't work for me. That. This is no, I don't. As everybody else. And even when I started in this business way back in 2008, I believed anything was possible for my clients because I had overcome throwing up through hypnosis. I had released bulemia in one freaking moment. It was a huge part of my life. And then it was gone and that switched and And I didn't realize, then I've talked off and on about it. That in that moment, I gave myself permission. I accepted the bliss. Sometimes you get a miracle like that, and it happens in that instant. Everything else is a process and a process as beautiful and fabulous because of process can be scientifically proven. A process can be laid out. So if you still have your pen and paper or get that. I'm just going to tell you a little story about the Beatles. I love the Beatles from the time that I was a little kid. I saw when I was 10 years old, I saw the film help. And I was just like, oh my goodness. I left so hysterically. I haven't seen that film since I was 10 years old. However I listened to the soundtrack over and over. I've just had a love affair with the Beatles since I was 10 years old. And I came across this story one time where Paul McCartney, Paul McCartney and John Lennon were the major. Songwriters for the Beatles. Everybody wrote everybody saying Paul McCartney and John Lydon did most of it. And when they were already wealthy in 1964, they were already making a lot of money. And when the two of them would get together, it would be. It would be a phone call that said, Hey, let's I want a new swimming pool. Hey, let's write a swimming pool. So their mindset. Was already there to, let's not just dig into our bank accounts that we already have. To pay for the swimming pool. Let's create the money. Let's write a swimming pool. And Paul said it was great motivation. So do you have that pen and paper yet? Because this is one to tell you how your brain works. I know there's all kinds of. Stories and they go on for, excuse me, not just stories. There's all kinds of scientific, proven all kinds of scientific evidence, and we're going to keep it short and we're going to keep it simple because hacks are short and simple hacks aren't necessarily shortcuts hacks are the clear cut method. The way to get from a to B to Z without going to be and double C and triple E. And. And quadruple AF it's. How do we get there? The straight line? And let's talk about your fabulous, your brain and all of us. All of you have a brain and do you know the function of the brain, the function of the brain. It keeps you alive. It thinks it moves all of your body parts. And most of this is done. Unconsciously, most of this is just happening. It's happening on a magically within you. And your brain is in charge and your brain likes to believe it's in charge. And so now you have this idea, right? You have this new idea, I'm going to be really fucking fabulously rich. I'm going to write a swimming pool. I am going to create eight address. I am going to write a novel. I am going to, I'm going to be rich. I'm going to be filthy stinking. Rich. Let's talk about that. Boom. What happens? It is the law. It happens. What happens. Resistance. I can't do that. I never can do that. All the stories of why it can't happen. All those stories that you wrote about why you aren't the proof in the pudding. About why you aren't Philly sinking. Rich boy. Resistance. It shows up and guess what, when you're really out to something and as completely and totally possible for you, which everything absolutely is when it's what you decide, not what someone else decides when it's, what you decide. I wanted to be an artist have wanted to travel the world. There were so many things that I wanted that. Happened. And most of them happened magically. I never, at one point settle my goodness. I'm rich now. All of it, it was just, wow. I just go to the bank and I pull out the money that I need and I have these experiences and, oh, by the way, let's jump on a cruise ship, have passport, let's jump on a cruise ship and let's go do this or let's go jump on a plane and go visit this country. Or, let's buy the home. Guess what? Our payments are only this much a month. It's a mindset. It's not a Testament to being able to drop a million fucking bucks every single second of your fabulous. A little less lead, gorgeous life. It's a totally how you look at it. So now let's talk about how the brain operates. It happens in three phases. Okay. The brain observes everything that's going on. All those stories right now. That are happening with your beliefs about money. And then the resistance that pops up. Oh, look at that. There's resistance. Okay. So you want to be, you want to be fabulously, fucking rich boiling resistance. You're too short. You're too fat. You never, nobody else in your life has ever made money. You don't have a college education. You have a college education, but you don't have three masters or you never went to business school or, mega list of all of them. Whatever it is. All of those excuses. And yes, I say excuses because it's important that we denote no matter how much factual proof in the pudding. Shit there is to substantiate this. All of them are excuses. It's important that we switch your mindset to this. Remember? The brain observed. And what is it observed and observed that you have the solid foundational reasons that there is no way you can be fucking rich, that you can celebrate your bundled life and all of those other stories that we talk about your body, about your sex life, about everything, about your creative endeavors. All of these things. So first your brain observes, and right now your brain is stuck in this loop. I want it. I want it. I want it. And this is where it comes to play. Okay. The brain does not know the difference between what you imagine you're doing and what you've actually done. The brain does not know the difference between what you've imagined. You've done. And. What you've actually physically done. And it's important that you use this and learn to play with this in both ways. So the first time that I heard this, all I heard was okay. I can think my way through this. I can just think my way through this. I could just use my brain and think my way through this. Now. The what happens with that is that I was only thinking my way through this. I was just using that logical part of my brain. Okay, so look, I did this. Look, I did this. Look, I did this. Look, I did this. Now, what I was forgetting was the bigger part of that. That every experience that you have is tied with. Your senses. Your emotions, the real proof, all that super consciousness. Proof of the feelings and the emotions and the beliefs. So now. If you've written down. I'm just going to go write a swimming pool. You write that down? Yes. They had the proof in the pudding they'd already had tremendous success. Writing songs, making money from writing songs, getting the pleasure from running the songs. Actually going through the process of songwriting, taking this lyric and trying it and changing that word and changing this chord and all of those things. Okay. The universe does not know the difference between, excuse me, your mind does not know the difference between what you've imagined. You've done. And once you've actually done. And so now let's put some feeling and emotion into that, into your belief system. Okay. So what does it feel like? So does it feel fun? Does it feel frisky notice if you use different words, like it feels dark. Okay. There's a little more writing to do there. There's a little more to let go of because when it feels vibrationally fun and light, when the sense that you smell oh my goodness. I love the smell of grapefruit of different citruses. I love cinnamon. I love the smell of when I lived into, by, I could just use to smell the Curry in the air and I just loved it. I would hear the call to prayer and my heart would just sing because in that moment, everyone was United. They were just United. All souls were connected. It was the call to prayer. Whether I, whether a person was Muslim or not, we all heard it. What might it taste like? Not just the sense, what does it taste like on the tip of your tongue? Is it refreshing like a cool drop of the best tasting water? That has come down from the Arctic. Can you feel that? What happens is you do that? You feel all of your senses engaged what's important is to engage your senses in all of this. Okay. If you're not knowing the difference between what you've imagined you've done and what you've actually done. So take that line of what it is, creating your swimming pool. Creating if that line doesn't work for you before. Change it, do it, something else, creating your your playroom, writing your artist, studio, your, whatever it is, creating your house, all that kind of stuff. And really get specific, know the details, know what lights it up. My house is filled with color and all kinds of things that I've collected in my travels throughout the world. And there's just so much plant life and there's dogs here and there's a cat here and my husband's here. And there's so much life and so much energy and there's music that just pours through. Do you see how that is? Did you feel that as I was talking about my house is I was talking about not just the house, the home, the place where I live, that sometimes I can just sit in this comfortable chair in this room that moves side to side, and I just feel so. Meditative and so complete. And here's where, as I'm feeling all that meditation and complete, I'm writing out a couple of different episodes from my podcast, or I've got this idea for a couple of different hypnosis CDs, or I've got this idea with a class that I am creating. And notice how my voice changed because I was engaging all of my senses. See, hear, smell, taste, touch. And I forget the most important sense of all your sixth sense, your knowing this, that knowingness, we all have it. And if you don't think you have it, then just imagine visualize, pretend that you do not always our census is highly attuned as perhaps we would like, and I'm creating a product right now to assist you with that. So let's get back to the brain observes. So the brain pays attention. So now all of a sudden your brain is observing that wow. And there's a lot of joy before when you used to think about where you live, there was boom. And now, as you're thinking about where you live. There's this engagement, there's this excitement, there's this deliciousness that spreads like warm butter and fabulous honey through your body. And it smells so delicious and it tastes of fabulous and it feels. It feels so soft and so luxurious, like the. And or hard, like the most finest piece of bamboo or wood that was ever created. And you created this space. Yes. You may have had the assistance of others. Some things you may have made, some things you may have found, some things you may have bought. Oh, all of this and your brain is really pay attention to your brain observes. Now what happens as your brain observes and your brain is engaged. Oh, then your brain starts to follow. That's why it's not a one and done process where you don't just do this process once it is, as often as you think about it, there's no set time. Other than if you can hold it for 68 seconds. Remember the power of 68, 17, 17, 17, 17, that thought held for 17 seconds automatically attracts a similar thought out of trout and radically attracts a similar thought and you string together for 17 seconds and you have 68 seconds. I've just imagining. And I look, we're working 68 seconds happen in the bathroom at a stop light as you're cooking dinner, as you are. Sitting in your car, waiting it for it to warm up. There is no limitation to where 68 seconds is. And so you sustain this. This is Ellen you're imagining right now. And you really bring forth. It's not just your mind. You engage all of your senses, including all six of your senses. And you really feel that and experience that through your body. Is this an important part to add. You know the feeling of it, you know what the experience of that is? The Beatles had the experience of writing. Their songs that created their wealth that created the lifestyle they wanted. And most importantly is that they so love the process. They didn't just become. Songwriters and singers, because that was a way to make money because that was what fueled their hearts. It was their passion. And my goodness, all these years later, they're still all new stuff being released. That's new stuff to us, not new stuff for them. It was stuff that happened in the recording studios over so many movies on Netflix and Amazon prime last year about the Beatles alone. And look at all of the other acts that are following suit, where they're telling the stories about how the music was created. And we're all engaged because we feel that because we know what that music felt like to us. And so now your brain has been observing and it looks delicious, really fun. And so now your brain follows du, your brain follows, where are we go wing? How does this work? How does this imagining work? What are those thoughts that are getting created? Your brain is paying attention. Your brain knows and it's following and it's paying attention to what the feelings are that go with this as this feel good. Does this feel like block? Does it feel like resistance? As a resistance has never few tile resistance is simply resistance. Everybody feels it. And. Is not the resistance ever goes away because it doesn't. However, once you beat the ever loving fucking shit out of it, just once now, You have an experience of having beaten down resistance? And you can do it again and again. There is a story that famous actor, Peter Fonda, whenever he would do stage work every single night, he would be throwing up. Behind stage and in his dressing room before every single performance. And when he was done with that, he cleaned himself up and he went out and he gave a performance, not just any performance, a performance. It is said that Barbara Streisand was terrified each and every single time. Before she would go out to sing alive. Imagine with a voice like that. And still she did it. Overcoming resistance just because it shows up doesn't mean you failed doesn't mean you're wrong. Doesn't mean it will never fucking work. Resistance is simply there. He beat it down once. And you have the knowledge, the know-how to do it again and again. And as something is building inside of you, because that same excitement. Those same feelings of Alation. Those feelings of joy. Remember what that smells like. It tastes like, it feels like the experience of all that you start weaving the fabric of everything together. So your brain is following. Ah, okay, so now she's doing this, she's saying this and this and the brain is fine. Oh, through the process. And your mind and your body and storing all of those memories because that's what they've become. There's no difference in what you've imagined you've done and what you've actually done. And now as the brain follows the process and you are repeating something, you are forming a habit, a thought repeated becomes a habit. If you doubt this, just think about any thought you've had believing that you're not good enough that you're not thin enough that you're not rich enough, that you're not whatever enough. Your brain followed a lot of different thoughts to that. Thus before you were even really conscious that you were having those kinds of thoughts, because it was programmed into you by other people who had those kinds of thoughts, because it had been programmed into them. So now. Your brain is following the brain loves habits. And now habits repeated because this is the part is you repeat you, repeat it. Repeat you, repeat your, repeat. You repeat it. Repeat. And. Now the brain has the flag and it leaves the charge. And maybe you hear that. Or some other kind of sound like that because now the brain's going, oh, I know the way I know what we're doing with this. And here come the thoughts that I'm grabbing all of the different pieces that go with this. Oh, I know that it feels deliciously fun. There's those experiences of all the various times that I've imagined it felt that I felt wealthy and it brings everything together with each and every one. And as little as 68 seconds as it. At the time. A couple of minutes, 20 minutes, whatever it is. And now you're going to take it even further because now you've had a thought, a repeating thought that becomes a habit and the habits repeated, become a pattern and your brain loves patterns and your life is built on various patterns. And you're not only imagining it. You're actually physically doing it with those same feelings of elation mix and match between the two as you action, your way through what are. The steps that a wealthy person does, of a very good friend of mine, she met about five years ago or so. A man who was fabulously wealthy. A man who is a millionaire. And they have a relationship and she moved up her whole life and changed to be where he is. And I learned something about millionaires here about this. I've never called myself a millionaire yet, even though I've made millions over the years. I just, I haven't given myself that title yet. And I always thought that as a millionaire, you would have a millions of dollars at your disposal at every single occurrence. No, he has a wealth mindset. He creates money everywhere. It doesn't mean that they don't need to apply for loans, that they don't need to do this as they build that. It doesn't mean they dips into his pockets and boom, here's 2.5 million to dump on a house. It's a process and he knows. And now she has learned. The money creates that the wealth creates whatever it is that he wants to do. The house that they want, the vacation they want to go on. They still budget just like the rest of us. It doesn't mean they don't have a budget, maybe their budgets a lot bigger. And they have the know-how. That they get it. Okay. So there's imagination and there's action and both are required. Both are required. I left long ago, the world where I just did everything in my head and in my body because you have a body. And your body is for actioning in the world. You need to be in that water. That you wish to generate. And as you're maybe at the local swimming pool or anything like that, imagining that you're on the warmest beaches off the coast of Costa Rica, whatever it is that you desire and the sun that is shining down on you is a warm sun from the tropics. And so now as you're actioning and you're swimming and you're bringing all of those together, because your mind doesn't know the difference between what you've actually done and what you've imagined you've done. And now that. You have the physical proof of actually having done it, that you are not just in your head playing make believe because there is a part of you that if you only live in make believe. And you never actually do anything then you're really not going to believe it. You're really not going to bring it in. And make it part of your identity. So now as you're playing, I tell our clients all of the time go to really expensive stores, as you were imagining and finding the colors that you like. And they're like, Lisa why does it have to be really rich stores? And I said, because it puts you in a completely different element. And so first you take on the mindset that yes, I belong here. Yes, this is where I like to shop. I can buy it if I want to. It doesn't mean you have to, I still buy things. At consignment because I love consignment stores. I love the energy. I love finding something that's like really old or really unique, or that somebody just created. I have an elephant made of papier-mache that I have hung up in my fun room. And it gets so many fricking compliments. You wouldn't, I paid 10 bucks for this elephant. However, I love this elephant and it's just so majestic and it just looks amazing and people come in and on it all the time. And I love it. There's so much energy filled with that. It's not what something costs. Oh, look, I dropped $10,000 on this. I dropped $6,000 on this. Therefore I'm really rich. And you really should. You really should, Really concede that I'm proud. So you just know that you are, yes, you can drop $10,000 on something. If you wish to, you can chat three bucks on something. If you wish to it's that mindset. It's that body set. It's that energy set that you have gone through. That's what it is. Going to, what is your version of creating your swimming pool? I wanted a house for the longest time. I, we had been on the road, we'd live in a suitcase. This, yes, we lived in fabulous countries. We lived in and we lived in a hotel apartments. We lived in rented villas that already came with furniture, things like that. We stayed here where we had an office and, we lived with my parents for a long time and we had our office space downtown and. I wanted a place of my own. That was my own house. And we put so much energy into what it would feel like. And so when we got here at first, I didn't completely recognize it. I have the sunroom that I just loved. And there was a huge backyard for my dog Libby, cause she loves to be outside as she just saw the backyard. And she was just like, so in love. And at first I felt all the vibrations of the home and I was still feeling the energy from the people before. And it was just like, oh, okay. Now, what are the other parts is the home becomes mine. So it's introducing yourself to the space, which is what you are doing. In your mind with your actioning is you're continuing as you go to a very expensive clothing store. You are introducing yourself. That this is a space for you. This is your space. This is where you belong. And sometimes you buy things here and sometimes you don't. Whatever you choose that. That is. Going far beyond the law of attraction. Using all of you creating. So never again. You need to ask if the universe is so God damn fucking fricking abundant. Why aren't I rich? Because by loves it all begins with you. And I can't wait to hear about. All the things that you are generating, make a list of all the stuff that you want to create. And remember the process at first, the brain observes and then the brain follows. And then the brain leads the charge. And whatever those things are that are standing in your way, I've got more podcasts and past podcasts that addressed this. All the shit that's there in your way. Just write about it. Just journaling. Don't sensor it just journalists. There is a special thing that happens between your eyes and your hands. It's not just writing it's anytime there's a combination of, I N hand coordination. And as you write in long form in cursive, not printing. In cursive. Write it out in a journal. Just download that shit. He don't need to go back and read it. You can burn it if you want. You can throw it away if you want. You can just leave it there. Because in all of the mess, there is awesome magic. Remember. It is what you make of it. The universe is fricking gloriously abundant, and I am wealthy as fuck. Or whatever your version of that. Applies to you. Have fun with it. Tell me about it. Let's explore it. And thanks all of you for following this podcast for subscribing, ah, I so appreciate it. And all of use have just subscribed. Welcome. I appreciate you. Gorgeous ones. I appreciate you from my heart to yours. Go make it happen. Love you. See you next time.

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