Sex. Power. Wealth. Commanding the Room.
James Bond commands this – Ladies, so do we.
Embrace your femininity, your charisma and potency.
Be out there, authentically you and owning, not just
claiming it, Owning Your Power. No one else can
speak for you or do it for you. UnF%$K the “Bullsh*t
RULES”. Now, that’s power.
Move and Groove: Rediscovering the Fun in Fitness What is the first thing you think of when you think of your Body? Beautiful? Bodacious?...
Welcome to another episode of "Un-fuck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness," hosted by Lisa. In this episode, Lisa explores the profound statement, "Well-behaved women...
What are some ways to exude confidence? Is it all in your head? Or is there more? Today's woman does it all. She works...