Ep 101: Unleash Your Potential: Ignite Change and Redefine Your Life

Episode 101 October 30, 2023 00:12:25
Ep 101: Unleash Your Potential: Ignite Change and Redefine Your Life
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep 101: Unleash Your Potential: Ignite Change and Redefine Your Life

Oct 30 2023 | 00:12:25


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

️ **Unfuck Your Life** with Lisa Grunden

 In this episode, Lisa Grunden opens up about breaking free from societal expectations and living unapologetically. She delves into topics like:

- The reason behind naming her podcast "Unfuck Your Life"

- Moving past the 'good girl' image and breaking free from societal constraints

- Addressing family pressures and personal insecurities

- Embracing one's uniqueness and inner beauty

- The importance of self-acceptance and self-love

- Believing in one's potential and limitless possibilities

- Lisa's past experiences, personal growth, and life lessons

- Encouraging listeners to pursue their dreams and live authentically

- Upcoming content, including a guide and a YouTube channel

 Stay tuned for more inspiring and empowering episodes from Lisa, as she continues to guide listeners on a journey of self-discovery and igniting their true passion.

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Episode Transcript

Hi, this is Lisa Grunden. Welcome to another episode of Un Fuck Your Life, the podcast that celebrates you unapologetically living your adventurous life. This is what we're here talking about. We're talking about redefining Not just redefining, refining, that unleashing, that Un fuck with a bogey you. That's why I named this podcast Un fuck your life because I was tired of a good girl image. I was tired of This is what people expect. I was tired of this is who you are and all you could never hope to be. How much money you can hope to make, what size and shape that your body can be, what you need to eat, how you can live. And you know what? There's a lot of very well meaning people in our lives that have tried their. the best to mold us and shape us into their ideal, their ideal of what they think that limitless potential, that limitless life. Fuck with the bull awesomeness that perfect specimen and what it should be. I came from a family of really, really, really overweight women. And so constantly, constantly, constantly the programming was you need to be thin. People talk about your way. People bitch about your way. People complain about this. My generation was the first generation that went to college and just so many things. of truths. So there were so many truths that I believe that I had for me. And I will tell you, when I was 18 years old, the only options that I felt that I thought that I had was getting married, running away from home. I was a straight A student. I was this, I was that. I was. So many things. However, what I held on to is that I did not feel very good about myself. And not only did I not feel very good, I didn't feel good about how smart I was, how pretty I was. My teeth were crooked, just so many things. My personality ever, I needed everything different. Even my red hair was not okay. And if I had just one wish for the rest of the human race. for absolutely everybody is that uniqueness that is you, all of those bits and pieces that right now you might define with some kind of self dislike or maybe even self hate or negativity. Of any kind or this is okay, but, or that is okay. But whenever you wanna add a butt in there somewhere, it's that you magnificent, gorgeous being. That's right. I call you guys gorgeous beings all of the time. I say that to people that I see on the street, I say it to everyone because all of you are gorgeous. Every single one of you are beautiful. Every single one of you have limitless. Fuck with the bull potential and the adventurous that is inside of you. She is unique to you. Yes. We might all share some similar traits. We might all share similar traits like a loving heart, kindness, nod to the experience. Bend over delivering of yourself, that kindness, that kindness to you, that kindness to them, that compassion, that I can do it no matter what. And that same belief that I can do it no matter what is also that you send out to other people that I know you can do it. Whatever. I know you can do it. I know you can do it. You believe that you can, and you do. You may not know how to make it happen. You may only get three fourths of the way there, 99 percent there, 10 percent of the way, 5 percent of the way there. Who cares? Somewhere along the line, maybe even your plans change. This is igniting and reigniting and reigniting. Every single day, multiple times a day, every fucking hour. I have been quiet out here on my podcast for a long time because there's been some revamping that is going on in the Unfuck with Unfuck Your life, not just with the podcast, with everything that my business stands for him, but when I say. Say it that way. I have seen so many people out there that are teaching others and they're teaching it in such a way that, yeah, maybe it works and maybe it doesn't. And what is different? It's the belief in you, the adventurous that is you. It's not what my fucking dreams are. It's what your fucking dreams are. It's what fills you with Do you want to write a book? Do you want to travel? Do you just want to go to a different city? Would you like to just end everything here and start somewhere else? And you know what? You can. All of that is possible. And you can change every goddamn thing without changing your job, where you live, anything because it all starts here. Starts with you that gorgeous being that's in the mirror and every part of you is gorgeous Whenever you look at any part of you and you don't believe that's where we ignite That's where you ignite even though I don't see I can't see it yet, even though I can't imagine it. Lisa says this crazy shit. She says once upon a time, that she felt even lower than dirt. Oh my God! If you had the next 10 years for me to just explain every fucking thing that I did in my life to try to make myself feel better. feel better instead of just owning it. And I hired teachers that said, Oh, Lisa, if only you could just do this, or if only instead of just looking as I'm looking at you right now in the YouTube channel starts soon, you are unbelievable. You are. And say this over and over and over again, you're goddamn unbelievable, fucking amazing, gorgeous as fuck, light as fuck, generous as fuck, beloved, and you can have whatever kind of life you desire. Whatever your adventure is, there is thriving, there is igniting, whatever the cash flow is, what if it's as simple as money for everything that you choose to do, that with your gorgeous heart, because if you are listening to a podcast called Unfuck Your Life, adventurous living, igniting your spirit. Bark, igniting your yes, I can fucking do it igniting your passion, your compassion, your trust, your belief in the magic that is you, the magic that is you. It is as simple as that. Is there some stuff that helps? Abso fucking lutely. And we're going to share all of that. I've got a guide. Keep listening. The guide that I talked about for so long is actually coming out in the next couple of weeks. And it's just everything about you. It's everything. And guess what? You don't have to go, okay, like I'm going for this huge makeover and now everything about me has to be turned upside down and inside out. No, that is not what I am saying. It's that you, that belief, that intensity. As you learn to look at yourself in the mirror and like who like who you see her eyelashes, her hair, her smile, her lips, makeup, no makeup, lots of makeup, no makeup, jazziness, false eyelashes. I don't care, make it right there, you and the mirror. And it's not what the fucking magazines say you should look like. It's not what all those voices inside of your head. Say that you should look like, sound be like, it's you. And some of us had no idea. Like when I was 18, I could not have imagined the kind of life that I live today. Yes, even at 18, I was a world fucking traveler, how I was a world trucking. Fucking traveler on someone else's behest. It was more or less just, it was just my life. And you know what? It is that simple. It is just your life. The magic is that is just your life, that it is you, just you, gorgeous you. And the belief in that, the knowledge with that, the knowingness with that. Yes, I am a cheerleader, even though I never was a cheerleader, I cheer for All of us. If you come across me out there, when I'm just out there doing my own thing, living my own life, you may hear me sing with the overhead song. You may see me dance a little jig. You may see me appreciating so many things. The people that I encounter, oh my goodness, I haven't ever passed a dog that I didn't say hello to. And then said hello to the humans that were with the dog as well. Never passed a dog. I have my camera with me always because I take so many pictures of things that I love. Maybe it's a color, how colors go together. I love plants. I love fragrance. I love saying so many places have these just fabulous sayings everywhere. Once upon a time, me and some of my friends, we wrote those sayings on our bodies. And it was easy to believe that when we were together or to be, I don't know, I think belief was too strong a word for back then. And that to imagine in the possibility and you are so much more than a possibility. You are so much more than something to be in unleashed. Ignite that spark. Guess what? It never goes out of you. Sometimes you make it bigger and brighter. Sometimes you turn it down a little bit because it goes with your energy, your vibration at the time, because sometimes we're larger than life and we're out there and we're making everything happen. And sometimes. We're quiet and curled up maybe with a book or music or a pen or crayons or a loved one. Making love not just to someone else, believing in that love with yourself. It starts with you and you. Your life, your plans, unleashing, unleashing, unleashing, and redefining your gorgeous life is what it's all about. So stay tuned. I got a lot of stuff coming. That YouTube channel is coming. And I'm so grateful for all the messages that you guys have been sending me. I am, I absolutely love you from the bottom of my heart, the depth of my gut coming from my very cute painted little toes. I love you. You are gorgeous and fuck, and you are here because there is no one else that has. All, everything that you have, that you embody. And I look forward to knowing you till next time. This is Lisa, un fuck your life and unapologetically live your adventurous life. Yes.

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