Ep. 98: Mindset Reset: The Self-Love Fix

Episode 98 May 15, 2023 00:10:57
Ep. 98: Mindset Reset:  The Self-Love Fix
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep. 98: Mindset Reset: The Self-Love Fix

May 15 2023 | 00:10:57


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

Mindset Reset: The Self-Love Fix

You are gorgeous!  You are perfect just as you are.  I am shining a light for you so you can more easily see, hear, feel, sense, know the wonder of you.  Cultivate a judgment free zone in your mind, body, heart and spirit by embracing the GMC.

Have you got the GMC?

G = Gratitude

What if you chose to see everything that happens in your life as a gift?  Wouldn’t that really shake things up?

M = Movement

A Mindset Reset requires flow, movement, like a river or stream that cleanses away the toxic crap and allows the gratitude to flow more easily

C = Compassion –

Opening your heart for more self-love, more self-compassion – this is for you, to you and through you. 

#mindfulness #gorgeous #womeupliftingwomen #lifecoach #inspiring #mindsetmotivation #motivation #youcandoit #selflove #selfesteem #gratitude #compassion #selfcompassion

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Episode Transcript

Mindset Reset: The Self-Love Fix Hello. Gorgeous. Welcome to another episode of unfuck your life and in breeze, your awesomeness. This is the podcast that celebrates you, creating your kick-ass life. I have a question for you. Have you acknowledged yet? Have you said yet? Good morning. Gorgeous to yourself. Do it now. Do it now. Come. And gorgeous. Hello, gorgeous. You look. Just, oh, I'm so happy to be with you here today. And today we're going to talk about mindset reset. And this is a popular topic among so many things, mindfulness and gratitude, and there's so many buzzwords being thrown about. And what do they all mean? Anyway? So I'd like to talk about the G M C the GMC in just a moment. And if you haven't done so already, can you take a moment to follow my podcast? I really appreciate it. Thanks to all of you subscribers and listeners out there. Oh, what is GMC? What is a mindset reset? What do I mean by that? I'm giving you a whole new mind. Is there a whole new set category? Is that what is it? And it's every day. It is everyday. Not that just start on some significant day, like your birthday or the very first day of the year. That every single day is a new opportunity and not just every single day, every single fucking second. Is a new opportunity and a mindset reset. Oh my goodness. I can't tell you how many decades ago I used to fight and struggle. With this, because it was just like, no, but you don't understand all the shit that's happened to me. How could I ever be happier? How could I ever feel I could be happy? How could I ever feel good about myself? How could I ever feel empowered? How could I really take charge of my life and change my stars? This happened to me and this happened to me. I was sexually abused. I was verbally abused. There was, all of this crap people said that I was always meek and mild and. You know what. So the foot. What about what anybody has ever said about you? So the fuck. What so the fuck. What, so the fuck. What, so the fuck. What a mind set reset is you gorgeous. Mindset reset is for you. Mindset reset is you choosing for you. And the very first part of that, the G in the GMC for the mindset reset. Is gratitude. Oh, everybody's asked about gratitude. I know, I know. Yawn, yawn, yawn, boring, boring, boring, boring. However, let's really glam it up. Let's really sex it up. Let's really have some fun with it. What if you could be grateful. What if you chose, you could choose to be grateful. What if you could simply choose, you know what, in this moment I'm grateful for all the gifts I have received in the past. And I'm grateful for all the gifts I am receiving. In the future. And I know it's tough at first. So you got to stick with the process. It's not a one and done kind of thing. All of this stuff. It's never a one and done. Good morning. Gorgeous. It's a brand new day. It's a brand new second. Guess what? You got stuck in traffic. Guess what? Somebody yelled at somebody. Guess what? You didn't get this, or guess what? You've received a surplus of that. And. All these kinds of things happen all throughout the day. And it's so easy to get sucked into. Oh, that's good. Oh, that's bad. Oh, that's and, bullshit enough of that. There's gratefulness and it's just okay. So what if you just everything, even the playing field, there is no good. There is no bad. There's just gratitude for all of it. All of it, all of the stink, all of the gifts, all of the harass, all of the, everything to just level the playing field to take the charge out. Yes, we celebrate them. We're terribly excited and we're so grateful for all of the gifts, Gigi, all of the gifts that's glamorous, right? Gratefulness that's glamorous gratitude. That is I grok that, I really get that grateful for all of it. Writing about all of it, being grateful for all of it, being grateful for this breath for this very moment. Take this gratefulness and make it your own. Just look all around. I look here in my recording studio. And all the walls are painted orange and I put up there one of those. Uppercase living. Signs that said she believed she could. So she did because I remind myself all the time she believed she could. So she did. And I'm so grateful for remembering that. So I'm so grateful for all the gifts I have received in the past. I'm so grateful for all the gifts I am receiving in the future. I'm so grateful to all of you. Gorgeous beings. I'm so grateful. I woke up this morning. I'm really gushed about it. Let's keep going with the GS really Gus. Really glam it up because this is you. This is for you who the fuck cares, how you do it. This is for you enough of the fricking judgment that other people want to throw on us and slam on us all the time. Oh, my God. I didn't think I would ever get away from the weight of all that judgment. And being grateful. Hey, everybody. I would love to support you through these changes that you're making in your life. And is there something that you're wanting for yourself and you're not quite sure about the, what if the goals, the visions the craziness of it all. Hey, book, a discovery session with me. Go to book with lisa.me. That's book with lisa.me. Schedule your 15 minute discovery session and let's chat. I'd love to support you in any way that I can have a fabulous day. Ah, okay. And now, because it's never a one and done and there isn't just a one thing. There's an M in the GMC. And the Emma's moon. Mint. And I noticed that I didn't say exercise. I said, moon. Meant. And what do you think of, what does your body want to do when you put on a song? Maybe it's a really big happening song and maybe it's slow and mellow and juicy or sexy, or maybe it's very meditative, maybe very spiritual based and you move your body. You move your body. 'cause you know what, because of the near in flow and your gratitude is in flow, it's not stuck. It's not segregated. You're not, compartmentalised, you're moving. And it's so much easier that it's not. Immovable force meeting the immovable object, bang. It is full flow gratefulness in the flow. So even as you're saying, I'm so grateful. You're just moving your body, maybe there's music, how I've really loved putting on a lot of drumming music. Sometimes I really liked to put on some hip hop. I even put on all of the rap. I love listening to, oh my goodness. I love listening to everything and I will move with it all. So as you're moving your body and you're so grateful, what is the see in the GMC compassion, compassion, compassion for yourself because you know what, how much judgment have you longed fasted lambasted on yourself? Desmond on others. How much salesmen have people bless it on you? That you've accepted. I was fortunate enough to have a house guest. Here over the course of the weekend. And she's had a lot of loss in her life. A lot of significant people in her life have passed away in the last six months lash between the last six months in the last 18 months, there's been a couple of significant. Deaths in her life. And yet all of those judgments from those people she's really taken on. It's hard for her that vacuum that. That negativity, vacuum that she brings it more and more to live, allowing that judgment. And as I was working with her. And it's the breathing through that? What if you could have a little more compassion for your gorgeous self? What if you could be a little more grateful for all of the judgments for all of the gifts, not even calling them anything other than gifts. Gifts, anything that it is, I'm so grateful for all of the gifts, because everything is a gift because you gorgeous one or a gift. And there is no bad, good. There is no bad, there is no charge. And then there's the exhilaration that you feel. As you are allowing more compassionate in the movement and flow in your life. And this isn't a one and done, you know that, and you don't have to do it. All this time, every single day, it is important. The more you do it, the more you're in the habit of doing it. As you wake up in the morning, as you go to sleep at night. As you wake up in the morning as you go to sleep at night and throughout the day, there's lots of times where you have 68 seconds to be grateful to have some movement, even as simple as chair dancing, you can even tap your fingers in the car. You're moving, you're writing. Your pen is flowing across the paper. Maybe you're coloring. There are lots of different ways to add this creative. Gratitude movement. And compassion into your life because you gorgeous one. You gorgeous MUN. Every time I speak with one of you and we have a one-on-one discovery session. Or one-on-one sessions with me. I just see who you are. And you see that? I see. Who you are, and then you're allowing yourself to be seen more compassion for that gorgeous south. I don't just say gorgeous. Just because I say gorgeous because that is who. You are. So as you cultivate. More compassion. More movement, more gratitude for you in this kick ass life that you are creating for yourself. That you are having more of, as you were figuring more things out. Stay tuned. I got a new program coming in June. I don't quite have the right name for it yet. Stay tuned. It'll be here very quickly. So don't forget you got the GMC gratitude. Movement compassion, especially for Y O U. So if you haven't done so already book a session with me, a free discovery [email protected] and let's chat. I love you. I will see you soon. You are. Good. Yes.

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