Ep. 103: Insights from Brittany Spears' book "The Woman in Me" and Personal Growth

Episode 103 November 13, 2023 00:13:04
Ep. 103: Insights from Brittany Spears' book "The Woman in Me" and Personal Growth
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep. 103: Insights from Brittany Spears' book "The Woman in Me" and Personal Growth

Nov 13 2023 | 00:13:04


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

Podcast Title: "Fuck Your Life Living Your Life"
Host: Lisa Grunden
Episode Theme: Insights from Brittany Spears' book "The Woman in Me" and Personal Growth

Key Highlights:

  1. Revisiting Brittany Spears' Book:

    • Lisa discusses the depth and insights of Spears' book, focusing on positive and constructive analysis.
  2. Understanding 'The Woman in Me':

    • The episode explores themes of personal identity and self-reflection, relevant to all listeners, regardless of gender.
  3. Childhood Memories and Their Impact:

    • Lisa reflects on how both joyful and traumatic childhood experiences shape one's identity.
  4. Moving Beyond Victimhood:

    • Emphasis on viewing past mistakes as learning opportunities, not regrets.
  5. Brittany Spears' Struggle for Freedom:

    • Spears' journey against conservatorship is discussed as a metaphor for personal liberation.
  6. The Power of Self-Reflection:

    • Encouragement to listen to one's inner voice and practice self-compassion.
  7. Empathy Towards Self:

    • Lisa highlights the importance of extending the same compassion to oneself as to others.
  8. Self-Acceptance and Letting Go:

    • Focus on accepting all aspects of oneself and releasing negative influences.
  9. The Role of Community:

    • Importance of supportive networks in personal development.
  10. Conclusion and Call to Action:

    • Lisa wraps up by celebrating individual uniqueness and encourages listeners to join her community.


This episode with Lisa offers a deep dive into personal identity and growth, inspired by Brittany Spears' book "The Woman in Me." It's a call for self-compassion, acceptance, and embracing one's unique journey, emphasizing the importance of learning from past experiences and building a supportive community.

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Episode Transcript

Hey everybody. This is Lisa with another episode of the podcast on. Fuck your life living your life. I wanted to talk about this book again by Brittany spirits, because there's so much information in this book. There's just so many, there's just so many a Haas. There's just so many nuances. There's just so many things to take and discuss and not to rip apart in a really negative. Kind of way. Although that can certainly be done. That's not what we're about. We're built about building up people. And so, I want to talk about the title itself, the woman in me. For the men who are listening for the man in you. Because that's what it's all about. And before we get started on that, I just wanted to take a second. But for those of you that wish to have a chat with me. Go to book with lisa.me that's book with lisa.me. Schedule your free 15 minute discovery session. And let's talk about what's important to you. And getting back to the woman in me. So many of us look back on our childhood and sometimes there's just all these wonderful things. And sometimes there's a bunch of crap in there and we really have all of it there. Those days of watermelon and ice cream and bike riding with our friends or, whatever it was, maybe you are swimming or maybe you were, I don’t know, playing birdies or just anything. And then maybe there were those sucky times too. Maybe there was abuse. Maybe there were harsh, critical parents. Maybe there were other kids that picked on you. I don't know. All of these things, whatever it is, whatever is your story. All of these things. They all formed that gorgeousness. That is, you. And you are not a victim of circumstance. You are not just a survivor of all this shit. That ever happened to you? In their inside of you, the man in you, the woman in you is all of those, the lovely bits, all of those experiences of your past, all the mistakes that you've ever made, all the successes that you've ever done. And you see no mistakes ever bad, no mistake was ever something to regret. Every single mistake was simply a stepping stone to something new, something different. Some. Something, maybe you felt like you went down the same rabbit hole for a while. Maybe you fell, you went in a totally different direction. Because there's no one else on this planet that is, you were than you. There was no one, no one, no one who can duplicate all the magical, all the mystical, all the quirkiness, all the gorgeousness. That is, you. If there's childhood trauma, if there's abuse, if there were those days of lollipops and. Ice cream and. And those times of Barbies or GI dose, I even played with matchbox cars because I had a whole bunch of them. Because my dad had always wanted them when he was a little kid. In the woman in me towards the very end of the book, Brittany Spears talks about a phone call that she made. And the phone call that she made was to 9 1 1. And she called 9 1 1. To report abuse. Of the conservatorship. And that got the ball rolling. In a direction that eventually got her free from the conservative or ship free from her father ruling every single moment. Of her life. Free to just breathe year, how she wanted to breathe it, to go where she fucking wanted to go. And see that's what each of you have as well, whether there's a nine one, one call that you have to make, you know what, once upon a time I needed to make a 9 1, 1 call. To report my father, who was the scariest thing, I think that I've ever done. And I've done a lot of scary shit. In my life just as you have. And sometimes that nine one call is to yourself. And that call goes something like this. Ring ring, ring. Hey, gorgeous. This is your inner voice. This is your authentic truth. You have dreams. And you have goals and you have visions and you have ideas. And maybe some people have knocked you down for those. Maybe some people have built you up. Maybe you feel like you've fallen a middle million zillion a truly in bazillion times. Yeah. Let's make the number really, really, really, really, really, really day. Cause it feels like that. No mistake was ever wrong. No mistake was ever in vain. Everything brought you here to this moment in your life. And if you're anything like me, you might be saying something like what Oliver. I've done. And this is what it is. There's only because. In all of this, we also need to look at ourselves. With fresh eyes. I was talking with somebody just the other day. And she was really, really, really beaten up on herself. Really, really, really beaten up, beating herself down. It's the ground. And I said, what if just for a nanosecond? Cause nanosecond is pretty tough to register. It happens so fast. You can't even. You can't even step your fingers back fast. Just for a nanosecond. You could give yourself like a millionth of a percent. So not just 1%, not just half a percent, but like a millionth of a percent and unrecognizable number. Not easily definable to us. If you just give yourself a little grace. If you give yourself. A little, a lot. If you give yourself the nine one, which is your call for help. Which is your call for? I want something different. I need something different. If it is where we are. We're not alone. And yet we feel no different feel like you're all alone. Got I felt like that. In so many different times of Noah that's like Britney felt like that. There was nobody there once upon a time, all those people were there. She had hired them. They were there to serve her. And now all of those things, people were like ruling over her and, if it was just fucking bullshit, and anytime there's anyone that feels like they're ruling over you. I've certainly felt that way. A lot of people that I know have felt that way. And that moment that grace, because that same woman, I was talking to this elderly couple came in and sat at her table. We were at Panera bread. They sat at our table and the guy had gone up to their elderly couple. They'd been married for 59 years. I've ever so cute and so sweet. And he went to go order the food and then she was sitting at the table that quickly became very apparent. That language was very difficult for her. As she got older, to be able to put, make the words come out, that she wanted to say, and we could see the distress on her face. And my friend that I was talking to was, oh, so generous to her, just patting her hand a little bit. And she goes, isn't this what it's like? And after her husband came back and we chatted a little bit more. And I looked at her right. And in her gorgeous eyes. And I said, I'm wonder. If you can give yourself. A millionth of a percent. Of the grace and compassion. That you gave to the woman over there. Because all of you have it within us. Yeah. Somewhere along the line, we may have been taught that you don't love in ourselves taking care of ourselves. That's just not, we were stuck up that, we were just all about ourselves and how dare we behave that way? How dare you behave that way? And in other words, it was someone else saying, how dare you not make me a priority in your life? Are you ready to make yourself a priority in your life? See the woman in you. The man in you is all of those glorious experiences. And do you know what. You accept yourself. Can you accept yourself? Will you accept yourself; we'll even accept others and all the votes. Pumpkin things that are unacceptable, just recognize them, accept them as unacceptable. And let them go. They get no more of your precious. Time, not your brain time, not your gorgeous time. None of your time. To have us go in that spiraling downward circle. And what does it take? It takes a village, right? It takes that community. It takes those people. Around you going, you know what? You're absolutely right. And do you want to keep focusing on that? Do you want to focus somewhere else? Why do you want to focus on what is a woman in you? What is the man in you to choose to focus on? Breathe that in. Because in the infamous words of Dr. Seuss, you are you worse than you? There is no one else as gorgeous as fucking fabulous as you. And I repeat that. And I repeat that and I repeat that because the more you hear it, the more you take it in, the more we hear it, the more we take it in and you breathe in it and it starts to exude from your pores because your adventurous life is how you define it. What adventurous is for one person may be completely different for someone else. And that's. That's really cool because there is no one way. There is no one life. There is no one size. That fits all of us exactly right. The way we want to. Yeah. There's a lot of similarities between us. We can just share a lot of the same values and have different experiences. We can have a different energy level with that. We can bring a different kind of on beyond since the amalgamation of everything that is you, because there isn't a single. Wobbly bit a crappy bit about you. And it's taken me a long time. To believe that for myself, I was able to see that and believe that for so many people for decades before I even entertained it. From myself. That is who you are gorgeous. Will you entertain that? For yourself, a woman in you is never wrong. Does she make mistakes? Hell yeah, because every single mistake is a stepping stone that gets you closer to where you want to be. Now, some people would say farther away that away and you don't want, let's just stop fucking focusing on the negative all the time. There's enough drama out there in the world. The world teaches us all those gorgeous. Entities out there, teach us. John for drama, drama, drama. You're wrong. You're wrong. You're wrong. You're fat. You're stupid. You're too smart. You're too dumb. You got too many walls around you. Claiming for yourself, the woman in you, the man in you that nine one call to yourself. I am not happy. In this moment. I'm not living the way I really want to live. I'm not. Feeling. The way I want to feel. And I'm in the process of realizing. That I can change. I can change it. So, if you haven't done so already, will you take a second? We use subscribe to my podcasts. We use subscribe to this new YouTube channel. Let's get the message out there that you are, then you let's get the message out there. Let us build our tribe. Let's pound those drums banging on those drums all day. About the power of you, the success of you, and let's make it happen. Oh, gorgeous ones. Have yourself a fun, fabulous fucking day. And I will see you next time. This is Lisa. Bye-bye.

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