Ep. 102: Unleashing Your Unapologetic Self: Insights from Britney Spears' Journey

Episode 102 November 06, 2023 00:14:40
Ep. 102: Unleashing Your Unapologetic Self: Insights from Britney Spears' Journey
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep. 102: Unleashing Your Unapologetic Self: Insights from Britney Spears' Journey

Nov 06 2023 | 00:14:40


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

Join Lisa Grunden on a raw and empowering journey through the "Unleash Your Unapologetic Self" podcast, where real-life grit meets unfiltered honesty. In this episode, Lisa dives into the compelling narrative of Britney Spears' book, "The Woman in Me," unraveling the threads of vulnerability, ambition, and the quest for independence. This isn't just a book review; it's a call to action for anyone who's ever dreamed of a life less ordinary. Lisa's candid storytelling echoes the struggles and triumphs that resonate with us all—from the desire to escape familial chaos to the universal yearning for self-expression. Whether you're seeking inspiration to unfurl your own dreams or the courage to face your personal challenges, this podcast is your sanctuary. Subscribe and step into a space where your life's adventures are celebrated, and your voice is always heard.

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Episode Transcript

Hey everybody. This is Lisa Grunden with the Un-fuck Your Life Podcast. We're just launching our YouTube channel now. And the YouTube channel is not going to be explicit. So you might hear some beeps. Every once in a while, and lifts, because those of you who have been listening for a while, know that un-fuck your life is real, it's raw and it's definitely full of colorful F words. Anyway, you know what? I just finished reading this book. Brittany Spears is the woman in me. And if you haven't read it yet, this is a must read. It's an absolute must read. It's real. It's raw. It's her voice. She's beautifully. Vulnerable she's beautifully. In mature and childlike. She's beautifully trying to grasp her independence she became so famous at such a very young age. She's living in such a world that. The rest of us, it all sounds so magical. And it sounds so fabulous as doesn't that in real life, isn't there like friends or other people that you've heard of that it just seems like they have a magical kind of life. As opposed to maybe the life that you've been living or there's magical parts in your life. And have you ever wished you were someone else. I'm reading through this book and I'm going to start off reading a little bit of expert insight, I'm good at just read a little excerpt. And then I'm going to just share with you. I'm going to probably devote a few podcasts to this because there's just so many. Juicy nuggets. It's just so many. Teaching moments. There's just so many things where we look at our own lives, because that's what the un-fuck, your life podcast is all about. Is you brilliantly living unapologetically, living. You are gorgeous life. You're gorgeous, adventurous life. And that's what it's all about. Hey, if you haven't subscribed to the podcast yet, could you go ahead and do ah, I so appreciate that. So let's get started out and let's just read a little bit. And she's in, it starts out. She's in gymnastics class. She's quite young. I don't exactly remember how old she is here. She's very young. So you see that gymnastics class and she becomes aware that her mother is no longer sitting there. Where she can see her. And I remember at such a young age, Her mother is a touchstone. And so she starts crying. The teacher runs over and she said, it's okay. It's okay. She's all upset that her mom's not there. And the teacher reminds her that, you know what, you probably just went to Walmart. And so Brittany picks up and she says, you know what? It turned out that my mom had indeed. That's exactly what she had done. She had gone to Walmart, but it was not okay. I couldn't take her leaving somehow. Seeing how upset I was when she got back, she never left. The window during class again, and for the next few years, she never left my side. I was a little girl with big dreams. I wanted to be a star like Madonna, Dolly Parton, or Whitney Houston. I had simpler dreams too. Dreams that seemed even harder to achieve. And that left me. Too ambitious to say out loud. I want my dad to stop drinking. I want my mom to stop yelling. I want everyone to be okay. With my family, anything could go wrong at any time. I had no power there. Only while performing was, I truly in, vincible standing in a Manhattan conference room in front of a woman who could make my dreams come true. At least one thing. Was completely within my control. So let's take some of the nuggets that she left there that, oh my goodness. She just absolutely loved performing. She loved dancing. She loves singing. And she discovered at a very young age that was what she wanted to do. She had big dreams. She's just a little girl from Mississippi, from Louisiana. And of course, she wanted her mom, right there. Can any of you guys relate? Was that the, something like that ever happened to you? But sometimes it can feel like we're all alone and maybe no one would ever come back. And so just imagine what it's like, the dreams that she thought were too big and too ambitious. I want my dad to stop drinking. I want my mom to stop yelling. I just want everything to be okay. Here's this magical person that has the power to make all of my dreams come true. You can bet I'm going to listen to what she has to say. So let's just chunk that down in the un-fuck, your life. Way. With the story of it, which is who among us have like really big dreams. And that at that very young age, her dreams were supported. She goes on further that, because of the drinking that her dad does, he never really hangs on to a job. He lost his business. The feeling becomes bankrupt and all that. And so at a very young age, It's actually on her shoulders to support her family. And she doesn't Harbor any. Any animosity. About that. Remember a time when we were young and we were taught that. We do what our parents say. That we speak when our parents want us to, in her case, they tried her out and make her sing and dance and then put her back. And so she has this power. She turns on live on stage. I took my daughter to this. And my daughter said that I think it was before the oops. I did it again. The song came out. She was on tour them. My daughter was very young. She was so excited and I stayed in the parents' room during that show. And, I would go out periodically cause my kid is little. And she's there in this concert hall. There's great. Big, huge. The goals on him was really big. You know what I mean? Thousands of people there and you could hear the screaming and all the joy. So I would go and not stand next to my daughter, but I would be there. So I could see that, she was having a good time. She was safe and all that kind of stuff. And I witnessed Brittany onstage. And there was just so much power and electricity with her onstage because she was connected. She was one with her audience. She loved what she was doing. She didn't have power over them. She created power with them. It was a very symbiotic relationship. She gave her energy and her joy to them. And she received all of that energy from them, but I went back and forth and back and forth. And I could see why this young girl was so very popular. Now that I'm at reading, I'm going to take my glasses off because it's just easier for me. You know what. And so how many of us have felt like our voices were stifled that. If only my dad wouldn't drink, if only my dad wouldn't yell. If only my mom wouldn't yell at only, I felt safe. You know what, when I was growing up. I felt safe in my bedroom. I felt safe in my bedroom with a book with my stereo turned up really loud, loudly because so many things felt like they were out of my control. And those years, those young years and our lives are the formative years that really shaped us. And so even though we may be 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, a hundred years old, those first few years, that zero to 10 really make a difference. And how we react and how we respond and what our core programming is that she just wanted to make people happy. And she just wanted to do what made her happy. So it was we're going through here and we'll discuss this even more. That there's misogyny. There's. The conservatorship, oh my God. In this day and age, how is it even fucking possible? That somebody can get a judge and a bunch of high price lawyers to agree. And oh, by the way, Brittany, you got to fucking pay for all of this. We don't have the money for it. And now we're all going to take a salary from you and we're all going to grow rich. And we're all going to build up our brands on you. And we're going to have our thumbs. Pushing you down because you will do exactly what we say. You will do exactly what we do. You will no longer think for yourself. Oh my goodness. You said no to us. Boom. We're going to throw you in rehab. There must be something really fucked up in your brain. Send you back to the psychologist, sends you back to the psychiatrist. You need to be. There she talks about going to AA meetings. With a bunch of other women and being empowered by their stories. This is why we create community. This is what it's all about. This is the whole intention of unfuck. Your life podcast of the adventurous living is unapologetically living. You are brilliant. Gorgeous. Adventurous life that's you. We support you because how many of us, she's literally was the most famous person in the world. At that point, people were using her to build up their careers. Oh my gosh. When she goes in and talks about the men in her life. And how they've betrayed her home. Houma, who of us have felt that way? Because the truth of the matter is that we all make mistakes. We all fuck it up. We all are not perfect. Every single second of every single day. And if cameras followed us around incessantly screaming, At us. Flashed Bob's click. You've heard stories from other celebrities. If you've read. Prince Harry spare. He talks a lot about that and we all know what happened to his mom. She shares so incredibly beautifully. With her voice. And make it safe for all of us to share. It's your voice, it's your ideas. And what happens when we get stifled, we could put on a fucking lithium. Zoned out. That over the counter energy supplements are not okay. Even though they made her feel better and she was able to do more, how many over the counter different kinds of things that I take? Not really that many, because I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables these days. However, I still use. And some Turmeric. And a few other things to just make my body feel more fluid. You're breathing. And meditation. And move. Movement. So imagine what happens if you're only told what you can and can't do. And you know what, in that programming from zero to 10, many of us were told exactly what we can and can't do. Now. Some of us we break through and we fucking do it anyway, there's still repercussions because I guarantee you every success story that's out there, their hero's journey was filled with a lot of self-doubt was filled with a lot of. Perhaps self-dislike was filled with a lot of really hardcore stuff in a lot of fucking failure, along with it. Because we don't pay attention to all this shit that goes wrong in our life. Print it didn't take her own life. You haven't taken your own life. You want to live to be there. You wouldn't be listening to a podcast. Reading a book writing, engaging, dreaming. Dreaming, dreaming, pretending making it up because there's life inside of you. And maybe, you know what those dreams are. Maybe you don't know what those dreams are from a very young age to this day. She still says she wants to sing and perform. And for a long time, that was shut down. And she's only now being able to. Do that again? To even entertain that as a possibility again. So where. Has your voice been. Where was it? Not okay. In your own life. To be your crazy adventure is gorgeous. Fucking self. Where is it? That. There's been abuse, neglect. People having power over you and being really fucking awful about it. Because it's so important. That And it doesn't matter how many mistakes you've ever made. It doesn't matter how many fucking things that you may have done that were judged wrong. Maybe even criminal knows. It doesn't matter what your story of addiction may or may not have been. It doesn't matter the story of anything. You have a love, hate relationship with your body. Anything. Everything that you have gone through. Everything that you have been through. Every failure, every success, every everything, every event, every experienced. Has more than created. You has more than defined you. You are not a survivor of anything. You are learning to thrive in your life or you wouldn't be reading a book. You wouldn't be listening to a podcast. Checking out a YouTube video. And that's what this podcast, this YouTube channel. That's what all of it is fucking about is that you are supported. You are encouraged. Any always have a helping hand. And someone always has your back. 2:00 AM friends are not just a wow. It'd be really nice. If there was just somebody that I could just talk to. And they wouldn't fucking sell it. Or tell everyone else on the fucking planet, anybody. Is that just my family that does that. My family and Brittany's family, they wrote tell all books for Christ sake. I don't believe that might've done any of that, but they sure as hell have told every single person every close, then I claim they claim I committed. That's not who you are. It's not what defines you. Everything you did. Everything you've experienced. Surviving to get by. And we're taking the conversation, the life, the adventurous living. From surviving to kick and hit fucking out of the park and thriving because none of your dreams are too big. None of your dues are too ambitious. None of your dreams are to anything. So stay tuned. I still got a lot more to talk about with this fabulous book here. And I look forward to those ongoing conversations and seeing you. Soon. Till next time. This is Lisa. Bye.

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