Ep 92: Move and Groove: Rediscovering the Fun in Fitness

Episode 92 March 27, 2023 00:16:32
Ep 92: Move and Groove: Rediscovering the Fun in Fitness
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep 92: Move and Groove: Rediscovering the Fun in Fitness

Mar 27 2023 | 00:16:32


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

Move and Groove:  Rediscovering the Fun in Fitness

What is the first thing you think of when you think of your Body?   Beautiful? Bodacious? Succulent? Fat? Tired? Pain? I’m lovin’ it?

Great.   Acknowledge whatever that is.  

Now, think back to a time when you were younger, when you were a little kid and you jumped and danced and ran and skipped and hopped and played.   You were such a little joy bomb and you didn’t have to think about how much you needed to move your body in order to meet your goals – you just did it.   You explored, you played with friends or by yourself.

It wasn’t about crushing it at the gym – it was about just being.  

Let’s put the fun back into your relationship with your body as you move, drink, nourish, rest, relax, recharge, move again.   You are not stagnant.   Your body is always in flow.  

How much fun are you willing to experience changing the narrative between your brain and your body?

You are Fit, Firm and Fabulous.    Enjoy!!

Go to Lisa.Grunden.com to get your free Adventuress Playbook today and embrace your awesomeness.

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Episode Transcript

Ep 92: Move and Groove: Rediscovering the Fun in Fitness Hello. Gorgeous. Wherever this finds you. I hope that your day is just simply fucking fabulous. I'm so glad you took a chance to tune in. We are going to be talking about today. Rediscovering the fun and fitness. It's all about moving and grooving, baby. Those delicious, beautiful bodies that you have. You know how I feel about that? Regardless of if you weigh 60 pounds, 30 pounds. 800 pounds, 400 pounds. 200 pounds. It does not matter. Your body is delicious. Your body is gorgeous in your body. Loves to have fun. It loves to move. And your body is your friend. So, in this podcast, the unfuck, your life podcast is we sell a brain. You. Unapologetically embracing your awesome life. Oh, how does it get any better than that? I often say it. I'm Lisa. I'm your host. And thank you. All of those. Who've already taken a chance and you're following I so appreciate it. And if you haven't done, so please do that now. Ah, fun and fitness. Is that what I said? And I didn't say discovering. The fun and fitness. I said rediscovering the fun and fitness. Cause if you think back way, we, we, we, we, we back for some of us, it was just a short time ago for others. Quite a few decades have gone by when you were little and you were a little, a little kid and you were exploring the world around you and sometimes you would run and sometimes you would fall and you were climbing and you were jumping and you were skipping. Chances were, you were never just walking you sometimes. You're never just walking your body was just moving it all delicious ways. You've worked, picking up sticks or playing hopscotch or any other kind of game in your body was just always in some kind of movement because you could, and you were just so vibrantly alive. And you are vibrantly alive now, but just some other stuff in the way. If you're not enjoying the fun and moving your body because your body was built for all kinds of things, for discovering the joy, discovering the joy and taste, whether it's chocolate or the very finest meal on the planet for drinking water. Oh, your body just absolutely loves water. Whatever other beverages that you are consumed. Consuming and your body loves to move. Your body loves to move and it doesn't. Feel like it's sometimes because there's a whole bunch of rhetoric noise out there about how you got to move your body. Just like this. When I lived in the middle east. All of the fitness coaches, every single one of them believed without fail that you needed to drop three kilos a week. So, Akilah is 2.2 pounds. For those of you who America has, we were never raised on the metric system. 6.6 pounds. Every single week. Are you fucking kidding me? I mean, seriously, are you fucking kidding me? Nail it, nail it, nail it. Nail it. Nail it nails it, nail it. And you know what, for some that's absolutely perfect. That is the fun in fitness. Absolutely. When you are crushing it and when you are. Challenging yourself. And for others, it's not quite the same. And so, what I'm not saying is do this, or do that. I'm saying. What is the fun and fitness for you? What is it? Your juicy body loves to do it is so unbelievably amazing. Watching people work out to their full extent, especially when you can tell that it's not just pain, that there is more pleasure underneath it all, and you can really see it when they're done. They don't just collapse. They collapse a little bit with some kind of yes. Energy, whether it's a smile on their face, whether it's just the, yes, I fucking did it. And for the rest of us, how do you choose to move? Really what brings you joy? Aunt of mine was she lost a significant amount of weight to biz. This is not even five feet tall. She had to have dropped well over a hundred pounds because she was down into a size 14. She looked really cool. She looked really cool. So, for Christmas, one year she gave herself two weeks off from the gym. That was her birthday gift for herself. And so, I just nodded, I said, hey, you know, that sounds great. That works for you. What I didn't realize and what she didn't realize that she never, ever again, went back to the gym because the gym wasn't a pleasure. The gym was something that she had to do. There was no fun in it. And I'm telling you that. When we don't find whatever fun is for us, you know, hey, I am a walking joy bomb. I find fun and absolutely fucking everything. I have fun and saying the F word is all of, you know, it's just, it's, it just rolls off of my tongue. And I just love how it, how it flows in that. And it goes with so many things in his exuberant. I don't know what fun looks like a fun looks like. Ooh. What fun looks like. If it looks like a war, you know, I don't know if fun is, you know, for 45 minutes taxing your body to its ultimate limits, or if fun is, you know, for 30 minutes, just casually going along on your sedentary bike, and maybe you've got a vid up so that you can. I look at some gorgeous mountains or be at the beach, or somehow, you're in meshed in it all. And whatever that is. Is that when we don't find the fun in it, we stopped doing it. When we push ourselves too hard. And we don't have the fun and we give ourselves permission not to do it. I mean, I did the same thing when I was in my twenties. I used to climb 40 sets of stairs, 40 flights of stairs. And I did that two, sometimes three times a day. And I hated it. I hated it. I would tell my story that I hated it at first. I loved it and then I hate it. It's like I got to do this again. I got to say. And there, you know, this is the story of my head. As I remember. I remember, I remember as opposed to oh yes, yes. You know, only five more. Now when I walk and stuff like that, I'm always celebrating. And so, I've just recently started climbing the stairs again and hey, you know, Many decades have gone by since my twenties. And so, it's 21 flights. Now it's half of what it used to do and you know what? It doesn't feel like that it feels amazing because every single step where I used to grim as it, I used to grow. And I'm just like, ah, and you know what, sometimes I take a lap in between those flights, because it doesn't matter if it's 21 flights. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Okay. Take a lap. All right, climb. Another couple of flights of stairs, one flight, two flights, whatever it is, take another lap. However, it works for you. There are so many people out there that want to dictate what your fitness should look like. If you want to really be physically fit, you need to do Barbara, you got to do this. May set up. She got to do this many pull-ups you got to be this many chin-ups you got to run in place. You got to cross train. You got to do this. And yes, it's all fucking fabulous. If that's what you want. Moving your glorious body. Harvard did a study Melbourne a long, long, long time ago on hotel workers. Okay. Hotel workers, the people who are cleaning the rooms and things like that. They are, they're doing a lot of work. I don't know if you've ever been aware of paid attention to all of those workers in the hotels when they were cleaning those rooms. They are busting their ass is they are. And we've always been told that, you know, you've got to reach a certain heart rate or, or something in order to achieve some kind of fitness. So, they did two study groups. Okay. One, nothing changed. It just talked to them. Didn't say anything about the benefits of all the work they were doing. Just business as usual, the second group, they told them that every single step, every single time that they did each one of these things and they went into great detail that. I'm not going to go through here. They went into great detail about the moving of the buys, the making of the beds and everything that they were doing were vacuuming the floors, picking up the garbage, bending, twisting, lifting, throwing things here, throwing things. They're cleaning up the rooms, tidying up, walking from room to room, going from floor to floor, pushing those heavy cards. Need I go on. So those bodies were working and they were told that they had benefits of going to the gym. With doing what they were doing. Do you know that more than 80% of people in the group? And we're told they had benefits to what they were doing. Dropped. Five pounds. Many, a lot more on average five pounds, no difference in their schedule. No difference in eating no difference in the work that they were doing. Nothing. Just that the other group, nothing. When there were no changes at all. And you know, it's when we are, are told when we are. Yes. And did you know I'm really big on yes. And did I learn this in improv? And all, I have such a long way to go to really master this and that's okay because. That's what our life is at that it's about mastery discovery, mastery. So, what does the mastery of moving and grooving and fun in fitness? Look like, you know, what, what if you're at the grocery store and a really fun song that you really like is coming on and there's a really long line and you could sit there and have one dialogue in your head that goes, oh, this line is taken forever. That checkout clerk is so slow. I can't believe how long they're taking. Why do they have so much stuff? How come they are ready? And you could move a little bit sacred hip, a little bit kind of hum, a little bit. Just kind of move your shoulders a little bit. You can do full out dancing if you want right there. And I was, I mean, hey, they do my flashes all the time. Right? Everybody stops. And looks. And what if you just, and then, oh my goodness is that fun is there's just a little do that right now. Just do a little movement in your hips and for the smile on your face. And isn't that just, just kind of fun and so fun in fitness is moving your beautiful body. I wear a Fitbit all of the time. I liked the little clip on one. I just love it. And what it does is it simply keeps track of how many steps I do. And I love that because I'm accountable. I'm accountable to moving my delicious body because your body wants to move. My body wants to move. Your body wants water. Your body wants to move. The fun in fitness is fuel. It's water. It's food, it's movement. It's deliciousness. It's rest. It's relaxation. It's talking to your body and your body. Trust me, your body is not saying, fuck you, bitch. Your body is saying, yes, I do love to move. And sometimes it hurts when we move. And maybe we need a little more time to recover. And maybe we do just this much. And then we do just that much. Listen. I get in touch with if you want a body, body, body. Loves to be fit. No, I'm not saying everybody needs to weigh 120 pounds. You've got to have this much muscle mass smell. What it's all about. There are no rigid rules. What it is unless you choose that that's one for you. If that's fun for you, I celebrate that. Business fucking fantastic. So, as you're walking and maybe you do a little skip, just like it did. When you read a little kid. Maybe you jump a little rope. Maybe you even climb on some monkey bars. Oh, my goodness. I remember the first time I got on the monkey bars. Kids when they're a little, they're like, holy shit. What happened to my body? I used a cruise on these. I have so much fun on this. And I'm like, okay, let's see if I can make it to the next one. It's about challenging yourself in the fun. And walking. And, you know, when it's time to rest. And if you're with other people, you sit and chit chat when you're there by yourself. And you're arresting. I, when I lived in Colorado, my dog and I used to climb this mountain every morning and yeah, it, you know, Not taking a 14 area wasn't 14,000 feet. However, it was a good 45 minute climb to the top. A good 45 minute climb to the top. And our rewards would climb to the top is we would sit there and just look out at the city. Just look out at the city, look at the mountains and we would sell an apple, my dog and I, she loved apples. I loved apples. So, we'd serve an apple because when you're moving, your tummy really likes to be empty. You're telling me doesn't want a lot of food. That's another part of the fun and fitness is letting your body have all of that room. And then. When you feed a little bit after that, it's taking it in those little bits in the water. It's a delay. Excuse me in the apple. It's a delicious, delicious piece of fruit and there's a water that goes with it. And then there was my dog. And I just sitting there. Just looking out. And then the dogs I have now, when we go hiking in the woods and it's time for a little break, I just, you know, find a log. That a tree that fell over and it's just sat down. I just kind of look and I watched the dog’s play. So right now, when your imagination, if you were just taking a break from the workout that you had done in the fun and fitness, your movement of your body, what are you appreciating? Maybe it's the returning of your breath. Maybe it's the expansion of your lungs. Maybe the sky is so blue. Maybe this song that you picked because you know what, you can play the same song over and over and over and over again. And your workout routine. You can, there are no rules. You can do it ever. You want. Because that's what gets us to keep moving and then magical things happen. We have more water. We keep moving, whether your, you know, hitting a target rate of whatever is optimal for your age. And wait. Or whether you are just moving for the fucking fun of it. I can't tell you how many steps I put on at the mall. I love looking at the clothes. I love being in the energy of the people. I just love all the Funfair. I love the color, my eyes feast on the color. As I'm walking, walking in the mall, I go to there's an outdoor portion too, and I love walking outside. When it's raining or when the sun is shining, it's all about the fun baby. So, write three things right now that bring the fun into your fitness. There are no fucking rules on how long you move. There are no fucking rules. How fast you move. There are no fucking rules on how many steps there are in this instance. It's the overall that counts. It's the you that counts. It's the moving your body. And you want to know that really big secret. When it comes to putting the phone in fitness. Ooh, is the fabulous smile on your face? Yes. The smile in your heart. The smile that even when your body is tired, because it hurts. Because it moved in ways. That it hadn't done in a while. There's a difference between a good egg. And icky ache. There is a big difference. So, as we get moving and grooving rediscovering your delicious body, finding fun clothes. Trust me it's all about is all about the clothes is all about the shoes. And what I mean by that is you don't have to have top of the line, anything it's just, Ooh, if he's rented a workout shoes, it could be your favorite little pair of tennis shoes. It could be something that you found at a secondhand store. It could be something that you've found that's, you know, really expensive. It could be a fabulous color. I have these wonderful pink shoes that I just absolutely love to wear. Love to wear. To how much fun are you willing to have with your body? How much fun are you willing to have fed your body, moving your body, listening to your body? How much fun? Are you willing to have, because you are fit, you are firm and you are fabulous. You are fit in your knowledge that you are a kick ass adventurous. You are firm in your conviction, that you are beautiful and gorgeous exactly as you are. And you embrace your fabulousness with each and every single breath you take. Ah, how does it get better than that? Get your copy of the adventurous has playbook. Now just go to Lisa grunden.com opt in and I'll get it out to you. Remember sparkle on baby. I will see you next time. Bye-bye.

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