Ep 82: How To Win In Your Life and Influence Your Mindset

Episode 82 November 28, 2022 00:19:03
Ep 82: How To Win In Your Life and Influence Your Mindset
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep 82: How To Win In Your Life and Influence Your Mindset

Nov 28 2022 | 00:19:03


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

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https://www.kato.website/unstoppable (https://www.kato.website/unstoppable)

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Episode Transcript

UYL Podcast - How To Win In Your Life and Influence Your Mindset Hi everybody. This is Lisa. Welcome to another podcast. Another episode of unfuck your life. I'm so excited. You're here and listening and I've realized that a lot of you haven't had a chance. There's a lot of new subscribers. A lot of you don't really know a lot about me. And my name is Lisa. My name is Lisa Grunden for the last 20 years or so I've been a coach. I've been a hypnotherapist. I've been a teacher, instructor, EFT, Reiki, so many different modalities and all of those, that's just information. What's really important is why I do what I do, why I created. A podcast called unfuck your life. Embrace your awesomeness. Because I'm fucking alive kind of sounds like bad, right? Except it sounds for me, it's very freeing because the one thing I wasn't allowed to do as a child was swear under no circumstances. Was that allowed at OSS wearing was the absolute worst thing that I could do. So maybe that's why I embrace it so much now saying the fuck word. Are you kidding me? That would have been. You get what I'm saying? And all through my formative years, growing up years. There were a lot of stuff that people said about me that in that. People did to me, things that happened. And I put myself in a protective. Shell. Libraries and books. I found solace in that was my place to go to. That was because somewhere inside of me, I knew that what others were saying wasn't right. And I didn't know how to speak up with my voice. I only. I didn't know any of that. I just knew the words from the various characters that I read. Like I would always read the books by Trixie Belden when I was younger Nancy drew, when I was a little bit older and then all of the different girl crime fighters, so to speak, and then growing up into I've read a whole bunch of romance novels, and then moving into the women who really, really, really, really, really took charge of their life because, wow. What if I could just be like them? Them. What if I just knew the words, what to say, how to stand it was, this weight. And I looked like that and I realized as I. Continued on this adventure and learn these different modalities and trained in these classes with all kinds of various people. The one thing that I learned. Was that none of that fucking matters, there is no one way to success. People will teach you that people will teach you. You need to have this skill and this skill and this skill and this skill and this skill, you got to do it. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, XYZ, follow everything. And you will be successful. You know what? That's not true. Or let me let me caveat that's not completely true. Because there's a lot of value in a lot of things that are taught out there. And then there is this girl. Big huge piece of unknown. And that's you, it's your unique abilities? It is your smile. It is your sass. It is your chutzpah. It is your insecurity. It is your fears. It is your determination. It's all of it. And one of, none of that is bad or wrong. What have all of that. Is to be used. Embraced by you. And some of it you'll let go of, and others you'll bring more of in what I do know is that we never hit this point where we've got it. I have coached. Oh, thousands of women's through my 20 years experience here. And the one thing that they have in common. Whether they're trying to get their very first job ever. They can't even brush their teeth or get out of bed or whether they are a C E O of a major company with a major position. They all had this fear that ran through them to whatever degree. And it's never getting over everything. And so that now you're just, okay. I know what everything is. This is how I show up. And it's you showing up in confidence with whatever the day brings and your confidence is allowing for the days when your hair style is fucked. The days when you're not feeling your best and being able. To work with that. Being able. To remember who you really are. To embrace your awesomeness comes from. Every range of the spectrum. And to continue to put you how you feel about yourself, how you think about yourself. First. That's right. I said, first. Oh, Lacey, you can't do it that way. That's self-importance that's this that's that's a bunch of hooey bullshit. It's confidence. And a lot of people will tell you. You're not confident. You're arrogant. Because there's always that line that we straddle. And it is your compassion. It is your empathy. It is your beauty. It is your ability to connect with others. Which is why you're listening to this podcast in the first place. And so I wanted to, we've been running a little theme here lately. And I wanted to tie the pieces together. It's like how to win in your life. And influence your mindset. Because it gave you. A lot of the techniques, a lot of the skill set, a lot of a know-how and steps, practical examples of how to walk through it. And there's more because there's always more, there's always more about use let's tie it together even more. So we started with, what is it that you need to do when you're changing your life? When you're making a habit, doing an affirmation? It is that you practice that you do it with feeling and that you write it down. And then we took it a little bit further and it was, how do you use your five senses about that? How does that feel? What does that look like? What does it taste like? What does it smell? What does it sounds like? And I know too, the first time I heard that it's like, what do you mean. What is the taste of success? What do you what does that even mean? Success is a feeling success is knowing. What does it taste like? Does it taste really sweet? Has it tastes like chocolate. Does it taste like fruit? What does it taste like? And now. I'm going to tie in another piece, which is so essential, but without those first few building blocks, This is the next piece to tie it in. It is called movement. And as some people call it exercise, I want to focus on movement. Movement is moving your beautiful, glorious body in this incarnation and your life. You have a body and regardless of what you thought about it, regardless of how you've treated it, regardless of what your ability is, we are bringing movement. Into the table. Into the forefront into the conversation. Now, movement can be as simple as simply shaking your hands. Movement can be as simple as simply walking. See when we have these traumas and we have these fears, we have these experiences, they get locked in our bodies. They get angered in our bodies. And then what happens? Is sometimes parts of your body don't want to move. Sometimes it just really hurts there. Sometimes arthritis can build up their, you name it. I had a one particular client who had a frozen elbow. And when he came to me. He had been under the under surgery on her. And anesthesia and his arm was able to move just fine. However, when he was conscious. His elbow could not move. As we got to, what was the feeling? The emotion, the thought that had been trapped inside of there. Now what you can do on your own. With this as you are doing. Your affirmations, as you are engaging with the feelings of it, the being-ness of it, the seeing this of it, the tasting, the sound. The knowing. So you can move your body. And it could be as simply as shaking your hands. Now. When your hands are shaking because your mind is controlling. It. You get really tired, lots of things like that. It's you don't want to move anymore. Stuff like that, as opposed to just breathing and shaking your hands. When you're engaged when your body is engaged, when the bigger part of you is engaged, you can just simply shake your hands. Shake your hands. As you were breathing. Saying your affirmation, practicing it off and maybe you're in front of the mirror. Maybe not, maybe you're out for a walk. That's one of my favorite ways to do this exercise. He is walking out in nature. And the movement of your body. Now. One thing. I didn't talk a lot of. Is how much time. And do you do this? When I first started out on this one, I discovered I was, I made a list of every single thing that I wanted to fix about myself and I slammed through it. Oh my God. And the tears and the emotion and those Rama. Just doing it all by myself. It's there. Okay. It happens. The most important thing is to never stop moving. So let's check it down, chunk it down, chunk it down. Chunk it down. I've talked before about the power of 68 seconds. I thought held for 17 seconds automatically. Automatically attracts a similar thought. Now you've held it for 34, hold it for another 17 seconds and automatically attracts another thought. And now you hold it for 60 for another 17, which has 68 seconds. And holding this thought. For 68 seconds, that feeling that emotion that's tied with it even moving your body. Can counteract nearly a days worth. Of negativity. Because it's not 17 plus 17 plus 17 plus 17 equals 68. It's 17 times, 17 times, 17 times 17. And I've wrote the number. Dammit. I don't have it in front of me, so I'll have to put it in the notes. And so there's movement that goes with this. And you'd be, oh, so kind and gentle with yourself. Did you hear me when I said that? Oh, so kind and gentle. Because there are habits. That do go with this. And the very first one. Is the habit of calm. The emotion of comb. The feeling of calm. And the tears may come. They may not, that's not a judgment as to where you are in this process at all. It's not a judgment. It's all about self-talk. It's all about hypnotizing yourself. And I have coming up. Self-hypnosis seminar on stoppable. Where I'm co-facilitating with AIG Who is a master hypnotist and a master coach. And we will be taking you through this in a step-by-step process. And I will put the link. Into the show notes. Cause on stoppable is embracing your confidence. There is one, not one definition to unstoppable other than the. The part that you are still here. You are still here. You are still listening. You are still desiring. Something different for yourself. I remember the title of the podcast. How to win in your life and influence your mindset. Your body set, because that's what it is. It's this simple, these building blocks. They go together. So now. I love and appreciate my body could be an affirmation that you choose. Pick one. Love and appreciate my body. It's so easy for me to learn and to retain everything that I've been taught. I love taking tests. I love going for new promotions. I'm so excited about a new job interview. Let's stop the things, anything that might scare you, anything you have going on in your life right now? What about first dates? What about your parenting style? What about your body and how gorgeous you look. That was a tough one for me for a really long time. That was so tough. And that's why I always say hello, gorgeous. It awakens the census at arouse is the census. You have a body and your body is more for more than having sex and eating chocolates. Your body is so delicious li. can do so many things. You can move. You could stretch. You could say Nope. You can say yes. And you have this beautiful body to play with. And I intentionally say beautiful body. Because it doesn't matter what size you are, what. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter the number on the scale. It doesn't matter what size of clothing that you bought. It doesn't matter. What other people fucking think about you. Oh, she's really tall. And then I wish I ever liked that. Oh, she's really short and fat. I wish I weren't like that. Did I tell you about the time I've told this story before, but it's been a really long time. Is that I was taking a weekend class and how to get on TV shows had. Like the today show. I didn't get on that tough show. It's, there's so many shows that are out there to get on local TV. Or national TV. And we were taking this class and we went through an actual practicum of actually getting on the class, everything that we had been taught over the course of the weekend. On the last day, we actually made those phone calls on a Monday morning. We made those phone calls. And oh, you should have heard all of the resistance in the room. It was just so delicious. Beautiful. As people were battling. And these are people that I never would have thought would have battled because everybody has a battle. Just like I told you before, I've worked with women CEOs, I've worked with women who had trouble getting out of bed and brushing their teeth and everyone in between. We all have a story somewhere. And that story is what is not significant where making it so significant. It's not, what's so significant. What is significant is you. What is significant is you living your life. On your terms. Even with all the rules and restrictions of the matrix of the earth of whatever. And whatever country that you were living in. It's you living your life? But that really sink in for a second. So anyway, there was this gorgeous blonde and I think she was about five foot 10. As you are black. I hardly ever worked black. Cause it just doesn't look good on me. I like to wear bright colors. I love. She looked so fabulous. Her hair went all the way down to her, but she had a slit in her skirt. That went up to her upper thighs and she had boots that went just pat sometimes just below her knee sometimes just passed her knee and she was fucking hot. Ah, she looked so good. At the end of this day, where we had all met with ourselves and we were all making these phone calls. We were, some of us were getting downstairs. I got on three. And at the end of it. She said to me, she walked up to me and she goes, Lisa I've wished I was, you. And I'm not kidding. I think that my jaw hit the floor. It's like one of those cartoon moments when the character is so shocked and like their eyes bulge out in there. Mt sinks to the floor and they sometimes they even disappear into a little puddle on the floor. And I don't even know if she realized all that. She's just like you're so it's so easy for you. It's so calm. It's so effortless. See, we all have super powers. We all have super powers that we engage. And none of them are right. And none of them are wrong. All of them are you. And so how do you win? Your life. And influence your mindset. Is that embracing all of those parts of you? So at the podcast on fuck your life, embrace your awesomeness. It's embracing all those parts of you. Now the ones that you no longer two years. To embrace the ones that, you could deal a little less with that. You simply let them go. I will teach you how to do that. And the unstoppable class. You simply let them go. Again, and again, cause what do you do? You practice you practice with feeling you write it down. I now release you. And you embrace more of what you like more of, is it a goddess? Is it a warrior? Is she a teacher? A mother. Oh, all of them are right. Is she a CEO? What habits. What traits does she have? All of those traits, you would not see them if you didn't have them. And whether or not you've utilized them, whether or not it's easy for you to get in test with. That's why you do this work. That's why you do this process. You make it fun. Now how you make it fun, maybe differently than I make it fun. And that's great because that's, you. Whether I'm wearing purple and you're wearing black. We both look fucking hots. Can you say that we both look fucking hot? Because you are amazing. So remember. You. Practice practice, practice, practice with feeling. And write it down. And you engage your senses, see, hear, smell, taste, touch. What does it all feel like? Taste like, smell like sound like, and then you've got the movement within your body. And you do the smaller chunks. You chunk it down 68 seconds. At a time is all you need. If you want to go a little bit more, the danger is when you go for an hour or two hours at the very beginning, it could take a long time or maybe never that you get up to do it again because it's so much work. And so we do it a little bit. A little bit, and my practice practice, practice, practice with feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling, write it down and have fun. Because that's you. If you haven't already, please. Take a note. Please follow my podcast, please subscribe. Tell your friends. I love that. Send me your, no, send me what you want me to talk about. I love to do that with you. And you never forget, you are fucking gorgeous. You are amazing. And your life you've living your life, your mindset, your way. Is the most fucking beautiful thing. That there is. So tell next time. This is Lisa. See you soon. Bye-bye.

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