Ep. 99: What's Wrong With Being Confident?

Episode 99 June 28, 2023 00:10:40
Ep. 99: What's Wrong With Being Confident?
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep. 99: What's Wrong With Being Confident?

Jun 28 2023 | 00:10:40


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

What’s Wrong with Being Confident?

Not a single thing.

Fearless Living

Unleash Your Inner Adventuress

Living Life on Your Terms

So many singers, influencers, entertainers are all talking and teaching confidence through inspiration and lifestyle.

If you want to throw up, to give up, maybe somebody is trying to hold you back, keep you safe, not wanting you to get hurt… You know you are on the right track.

Life is for living and not the 3D existence  - going further to 5D and beyond – where you follow your instincts your intuition, Yes you know the rules and more than that you are learning which ones to bend, which ones to ignore and where to create your life by your design.

No longer living with the vagueness of something is missing, there is something more for you.

Join our Facebook community today: Link 

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Episode Transcript

UYL Podcast - What's Wrong With Being Confident? Hey everybody. Lisa and Liz is on, fuck your life. Embrace your awesomeness. This is the podcast that celebrates you on apologetically. Embracing your awesome. Fearless. Oh, it just gives me shivers. When I even think about that, what does that mean? I, it means something different for all of us. What is it to be confident? What is it to be fearless? What is it to be an adventurous. And we're going to talk about some of those topics right here on this podcast today. In the meantime, if you haven't done so already, could you please like subscribe, follow this podcast? I really appreciate it. And we're starting your YouTube channel really quickly. In the meantime, let's get started with what's wrong with being confident. There are so many songs out there. And as I looked, throughout the ages, pretty much for the last hundred years or so, this topic has been explored. Lord in song. Nia Simone, feeling good, anything by Billie holiday or Etta James, a lot of stuff by Cindy Lauper by Madonna and the stuff created by Rihanna, by pink, Brittany Spears, everybody else, all the new singers of today. Oh my God. Lizzo. So we T. Ah, this topic is out there everywhere. Demi, Lovato's got a song about, everybody's got a song about this. And yet it's a con it's a topic that we continue to discuss because like what is that all about this whole confidence thing. And I'm bringing it down just into three easy steps. When I say what's wrong with being confident, it's that adventurous within us. And adventurous is something for you to define. Cause for each of us, it means something different, except that we share one characteristic. Is that there is something missing. There is something more that we want for our lush, regardless of on paper, when it looks like you've got it all, you've got the income, you've got the job, you've got the relationship or all the different things. You've got the friends, the community, the support. And yet there is something that you are looking to have more of to experience. More of adventurous is something that you define for yourself. I've created this Facebook. Book group. And called adventurous living. I'm putting the link in the show notes. And go ahead and join. Where's having the discussion. Let's see what it's all about. Let's support each other and get ideas from each other because an adventurous lives life on her terms. Now I know that, you know what we live in, we will live in a world. We live in a 3d world going to a 5g world and we live where there are rules and we live where there is expansion. And depending upon what country you will live in is the freedoms that you allow yourself to enjoy, or even feel courageous enough. I have to take and living life on your terms, is that. Knowing the rules. Subscribing to some. Of the rules, maybe more, maybe less, and knowing which rules to break and why to break them. Y it's in your best interest, what is it for you? 'cause like when I was growing up. My mom made sure that I was very well behaved and that I always put other people first. And so therefore she built a people pleaser and, oh my goodness. People, please are people. Oh always think about other people. What was most important? I spent so much of my life making sure everybody else was fricking happy. It just felt like I was missing out on so much in my own life. Yes. I was the leader of this though. So group and that social group and that social group, and, you know what, I was really fucking sick and tired of missing out on some of the other things, because I was trying to do things that other people said that they wanted. And yet many times they didn't show up. I just kept, I was exhausted. I was just, trying to keep everybody happy all of the time. Holy fucking shit. It is. A thankless task. It really is. And I started thinking about, okay, what it is that I want to do. And you know what? I stopped hosting. A lot of those social groups and people were calling me up and going, Lisa. Where's the next event or Lisa, how come you're not doing this or Lisa, what about that? And I'm just like, you know what. Why don't you step in? I'm we would love, I would love to go to one of your events. And be the participant and just trying out different things that I like. And so I started doing a lot of the things that my friends said, oh, I don't know why you feel that's important. On a Friday night, I would ditch my friends sometimes to go to Barnes and noble and sit and read that's when Barnes and noble was open till midnight. They're like open till eight. O'clock now where I live. And I would, read magazines books. It was my quality time, my alone time, because so much of my energy went out to other people and other people's needs and reading. And imagining and venturing, that was just for me. And so what does living life on your terms? There is a lot of stuff that I go out there and do some, I do in groups with other people. Some I do where I. Where I host and I invite other people like in adventurous, living like adventurous with attitude, adventurous living, unfuck your life. Having different groups on those kinds of things where it's okay, for each one of us, what is that next vital step that you wish to take? Or you imagine your, you take, or you think that you take, and then there is the fearless living that goes with that. Now I said fearless living. I did not say living without fear because living without fear is fucking impossible. Fear is just there. It's a four-letter fucking word. That's just there. That every time that you go to surpass a comfort zone or do something different or Stepford sip your toes in the water. Anybody ever jumped in and this one pulled you just jump in. Do you stick your toes in? What is it? There's always that. Kind of thing you don't want, even if something that you want to do makes you throw up. Gosh, even better, even at the, every single fucking time that you do it, it makes you feel like you want to throw up great. Throw up, clean up, and then do it anyway. Do the stepping in your little toe, jumping in full body, whatever it is, fearless living is that adventuring, that stuff that you're doing for yourself. And it does scare you, maybe each and every fricking time it scares you. That's how you know you're alive. When those butterflies are in your stomach, what does fear feel like for you? Does it feel like butterflies in your stomach? Does do your fingers hurt a little bit? Is there a. In your breath or anything like that? Because fear and excitement, they share the exact same vibration. The first time that I jumped off of the stratosphere in Vegas. I was all hooked up and I looked over the edge and I'm like, holy fuck. A long way down. The same thing happened the first time that I skydive it's oh my God. And did it anyway. I knew that I wanted to do it anyway, because there's just that moment. There's that moment when you leap and it's Ooh, And then you're in the air. And you're flying. Or who it is, whatever else it is that you are doing. And making something happen. Adventurous with attitude, adventurist living. Confidence is what you make of it. And there's nothing that people like better than tearing down confident people. Did you hear about this? all of that little, that bullshit stuff that happens. Can't listen to it. We can't listen to it and say, I want you to just imagine. Putting your hand out there right now and turning down the fall yet on the people that tell you all the whys, all the reasons, all the validation, that something is a really bad fucking idea. Cause, you know what. All the best stuff starts that way. That it sounds like a really bad idea. And if there are people lining up to home, You back. To home. Do you back? Oh, Sweetie. You are up to something. Whatever it is. Because. Humans as a whole. They say that they want the best and they say they want things better and they want it, like they want like rural piece. And yet aren't willing to have peaceful moments in their own life to strive for those peaceful moments. So it's the peace, it's the adventure. It's the stillness, it's the calmness. It's the abundance. It's the, my God, I'm doing this for the sheer pleasure of that. To know I am alive. That is living life on your terms. That is fearless living. That is unleashing. Your inner adventurous. Unleashed her. Let her fly, literally explore. She's going to crash sometimes. So what. You're able to get back up and there's people. To help you to work with you to stand next to you, to crash down there with you and you guys all pick yourselves back up. That's what we do. Life beyond comfort zones. That is adventurous living. Unleashing your inner adventurous. Join our face group Facebook group now and stay tuned. The playbook is coming. I think next week, the first week in July, it will be out. And we're starting the online, not just, we're starting the online monthly group that so many of you have been asking me for. Adventurous is with attitude. Stay tuned for the details. I will have them all for you shortly. So until next time, this is Lisa. What's wrong with being confident, not a single God damn fucking thing. I'll see you next time. Goodbye. Gorgeous.

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