Ep 91 - The Sparkle Effect: Mastering Your Mindset for a Successful Life

Episode 91 March 20, 2023 00:16:32
Ep 91 - The Sparkle Effect: Mastering Your Mindset for a Successful Life
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep 91 - The Sparkle Effect: Mastering Your Mindset for a Successful Life

Mar 20 2023 | 00:16:32


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

The Sparkle Effect: Mastering Your Mindset for a Successful Life

 The Sparkle is source, pure love, vibration, that connection to the divine and exploring the divine within you.  Some people call it Goddess, I call it Adventuress.

 Aligning, connecting, being one with source is the rocket fuel that propels you on this amazing thing called your life.   This amazing adventure that you are on.  

 I call it Sparkle because that is how so many have referred to me and I see it in all of you.   Your spark, your sparkle is that knowingness, that beingness that you are fabulous in all of your glory and you are here shining your light so that others can shine theirs too!

That’s the nature of you Gorgeous One!!

Go to Lisa.Grunden.com to get your free Adventuress Playbook today and embrace your awesomeness.

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Episode Transcript

UYL Podcast - The Sparkle Effect: Mastering Your Mindset for a Successful Life Hi, welcome to another episode of unfuck your life. the podcast that celebrates you. unapologetically embracing you. Awesome life. How does it get any better than that? Seriously? How does it get any better than that? You. Unapologetically celebrating your awesomeness. Ugh, I never. get tired of saying. That it. is so much. Fun. We talk. About anything. And everything on. Here and most we talk about empowering. You. We talk about claiming your Powerfulness. Because the truth of the matter. Is. That you aren't the shit storm, the hot, Big hot mess. That Many may have thought. That may have been. Or parts of you. Life, because. I've worked with a lot. of clients who. you are killing. it. In the business. World. They are crushing it. They're on top of everything. And yet the relationship. parts suck And, this is not. And either or universe. This is an and Universe. This is a Yes. Yes. and I want. This? Yes. And., I want this. Yes. And I want this. Yes, and I am this. Yes. And. you are this. Yes. And you are. This It's a very. yes. And., I learned about this. Concept of Yes. And in improv. And., I took an. Improv class. Cause it was really. heaven. wanted to experience. it. I loved watching. Improv. It looked like they. we’re having so Much fun on the stage. And the. Biggest secret. Of improv. Is. That every. person. on the stage. Their job. Is to make everyone else. On that stage. Look good. Can. you imagine What? That's us that. each one of us. now, it's not just. me making all of. You look good. And nobody making. me look good. It's every single person. There. every single person that you interact with. Our job is to make each other. look Good. Okay, so what we're doing is we're yes, ending. Does it mean that we're telling lies or anything like that? Absolutely. Fucking lily not, no, that's, quite the opposite is true. We are empowering. And the best way to empowering is, hey, hey, this is what I see. What do you think? What do you like? And when people are really seen and really heard, and we don't keep engaging in these downward conversations, I had a couple of family members that no longer speak to me because I just told them I, from the get go. I was just like, you know what? I just don’t. I just don't do conversations anymore where all we do is lamb bath, somebody else and talk, really talk shit about somebody. It's just not where I am anymore. I know once upon a time I engage in all of that. And you know what? It just doesn't work. It doesn't work. That's not celebrating you. It's not celebrating me. It is not celebrating the person that. we are lambasting. There's, I like having. Better eyes than that. Better, worse than that. Different. More inspiring. I'd love to hear what you are doing what you are about what your beliefs are, what crazy, gorgeous thoughts are running through that beautiful mind of yours. And so, I want to talk about the sparkle effect. I took a long time calling it the s Sparkle Effect because, I just always thought that being sparkly Lisa was just how a lot of people called me and still called me Ashley, sparkly Lisa. And now I've embraced it. Before I was but I'm smart, I'm intelligent. I'm, I'm, I'm make a lot of money. I, I'm wealthier. I manifestation. It's, why would you call me sparkly Lisa? And then when I understood, and when I claimed it, we talked in the. Last podcast about claiming a word. Whether or not you choose to embrace that word and make it part of you, that's your choice and that's what you do. Claiming it though, is what is the essence of this, The sparkle. The sparkle. That's the spirit. That's the source. That's the piece that, oh, it. Some people call it love. Some people call it God. Some people call it universe. Some people call it divine. I don't care which words you used, whichever words you were. Fabulous. It is that sparkle effect, that is your connection with the absolute truth, with the source of all that is, that is, you are connected, you're connected with everything. And so sometimes I, talk about God, talk about creator and there are no, put up filters, if any of those words strike you. Because what it is the power. everything possible and imaginable. And this is where dreaming becomes reality. And this is where magic goes to possibility, goes to actualization, and this is what we are talking about. And that's the sparkle effect in in the playbook. In the adventurous playbook I have that sparkle is at the epicenter. Sparkle is the middle that you bring everything out in because that sparkle effect is that you standing in your power, you can feel it in your gut. You feel it in your heart, you feel it in your mind. It shines through your eyes. It comes out your voice. It's in your energy field, and people just feel that way around you. Even complete strangers sometimes they'll come up to you, sometimes they won't. I was at a conference one time at Breana Bouchard. Conference and at the very end of the conference, we were supposed to go around and get three hugs from somebody that we didn't know. So, I, I circled the room and I'm hugging, and this one guy said to me that I, I just went up to him and I said, hey, would you like a hug? And he's yeah. And he goes, you don't know it. But this entire con. Conference, I can feel the energy from you, and it has been giving me energy. And seriously. It's not like the most amazing compliment ever. I give him another hug and I'm like of course you're powerful, or whatever it was that I said, I, I don't remember. There's something along those lines that, because I see you, and so this sparkle effect is, that’s where you master your mindset. All right? This is not all of those words and those all of that shit, all of those hooks and the chords and the attachments that. That we have because for so many years, I've talked about it before in hypnosis, the first seven to 10 years of your life, depending upon, which book that you're reading at the time is that you were completely in theta mode and everybody is programming you, programming program you, because at first you come into this world and everybody celebrates all you're such a beautiful baby and what everything is wonderful. And then we try to teach her to be human. We try to teach you how to survive. We try to teach you how to be a real person in the real world when really. All of those adults should have been listening to the baby going, hey, I just came, and hey, this is how I see you. And you know what? Remember those fabulous people that programmed all that shit into us? Guess what? Once upon a time, they were brand new on the planet, and they were between the ages of zero and 10, and someone was programming that shit into them. And guess what? Somebody did that and someone before. Before. Before. All the way back. All the way back. All the way back. All the way back. All the way back. And nobody knows what you want, what you desire, what makes you happy more than you and run-away bride. The Richard Gear's character to Julia Robert's character, all of the men that she'd ever been engaged to because she was engaged. If you guys haven't seen the movie, you should absolutely see it's fabulous. And she, she would get, she was like a serial. Fiancé, she had a serial fiancé and she would dump 'me either at the altar or sometime before it. There were just tons of them. And so, it was all about runaway bride. And so, he would ask each of those men that she had been engaged to, how does she like her eggs? And each man. They said she likes her eggs this way, and each of the ways was different because it was the way that they like their eggs. So, he asked her, how do you like your eggs? And so, there's this cut to the scene and there's all these different kinds of eggs. and I can't remember I to blow the punchline. I can't remember how she said she liked them; she tasted them all and she decided how she liked her eggs. See, this is you with mastering Your mindset is that eggs are the same thing as ever, as everything. What makes you smile? What do you want to do out in the world? If you were writing your epitaph right now, what would you like it to say? Those kinds of things. Do you have words like powerful, do you have words like graceful? Do you have words like; she really gave. Back and giving back is giving to yourself first, cut you are able to give back more. This is, you know this Yes and universe that we are talking about. Y we. all supporting each other. And so now mastering your mindset. So, the business world has been talking in the entrepreneurial world, has been talking about mindsets for fucking ever, and the, all the sports world. Mindset and it becomes like this thing that, that you Absolutely must have or else, instead of realizing that it's really the essence of who you are, it's. Your it is your being out there. Maybe it. You're knowing this of who you truly be and how you truly be and what you really feel, how you like your fucking eggs. That's what it's about. You know what? What clothes do you like to wear? What kind of work do you like to do? If you volunteer? What kind of volunteer work do you do? Do you love kids? Do you not. want any kisses is all about dogs. Is this all about horses? This is, what is it in your life? Is it all about travel and adventure? Is it all about family and staying? Staying home and nurturing? All of this, there's no right and there's no wrong answer to this. There is just you because the successful life is. What makes you happy? What brings you joy and the sparkle effect, the sparkly you? Whether the sparkly you really do have lots of sparkle. Caz once upon a time I had this fabulous little rock pencil that was all sparkles and, oh God, I loved wearing that eye pencil. I just loved it. I was just like; I was just so distraught when they no longer made it anymore. And what is your spark? That sparkle effect is that connection with your absolute highest self, the divine within you. That connection to everything science has discovered that we are connected. We are connected, that there is something greater. We talk about the grid and you are connected and it. owning that, being that, and you know what? There's lots of people out there that will say, oh, but you should want to do this, or, oh, you should want to do this, or you should want to, and on some of them are called coaches. And you know what, sometimes they have some great ideas. And so, the rule of thumb is hey, if it feels right, absolutely follow that and see what's there for you, and if it doesn't feel right, then you know what? Let it go. Or put it on the page for a different day, because if it's not today, maybe it's for tomorrow. I don't know. Because this is how it works with everything. It's how it works with your money; it’s how it works with your career. It's how it works with all of your relationships, your relationship with yourself, your intimate relationships with significant others, your friendships, you. Family, your friends. It's everything. It is what you do for fun. It is your health. It is your body. It is everything. So, take a moment right now and just. Just go just go. If I knew what it was, what might it be? If I had an idea of what does Sparkle Lee effect mean to me? What does sparkle effect mean to me? If what feels like the biggest, highest thing, and you know what, this is not a set in stone kind of thing. These are not the 10 commandments that we're talking about here. Is an evolving document. It is a painting that you continue to paint. There are some artists out there that have worked on the same painting for fucking years. So many people sit for a hundred sittings to get it exactly right. This is a movable document that it is for you because you're, you are constantly in flow. You are not stagnant. There are lots of parts of you that you. Thought was stagnant. You are always fluid. You are always moving, you are always engaging, you're always finding new things that light you up, that excite you, that may revolt you, that might turn you off. So, what it's like, okay, next. You don't have to pay any more attention to them than that. What lights you up when you have the best fucking amazing day of your life? What does that feel like? What does that taste like? What does it smell like? Is anybody around you? What do you just know that you know it in your mind and in your heart, in your spirit, in your gut. In your body? What do you just know? How do people relate to you? How do you relate to others? That is that connection, to source, that connection to the you. Above you. Above you go beyond your successful self, beyond your future self, beyond your true self, beyond your real self. It is all of that mind., and that's where we get to do this wonderful thing. Call this story of you and what does a successful life mean for you? What does that look like? What does it look like job-wise, career-wise, volunteer wise, Familywise, relationships wise, money-wise, all of it. Just like all the cards out there and play with them all. Move them around and then, you share this kind of stuff with other beautiful, amazing souls that support you, because we're not here to knock each other down. No fucking way. If you haven't got your copy of the adventurous playbook yet, go out to leisure garden.com, opt in, and it will be coming to you very shortly and play, create. This is your narrative. Now just imagine you know this now, so who might you share this with and who might they share that with? That is the, that's the game changer. That's a paradigm shifter. That is the manifestation at its core. People are throwing all these words around mindset and mastery and manifestation and magic, and they just want everything around and they're not exclusive, so inclusive. Even if some things are correct and some things are not right for you, it doesn't matter. They're just, they're out there for someone else. It's an exclusive kind of world You play, you create, you sparkle with what's for you. I wear bold, lively colors. A very dear friend of mine who wears all black and oh my gosh, she looks amazing. And there's other women that she favors a lot of white and a lot of creams, a lot of tan, that kind of thing. And she looks amazing. because there's no right or wrong way to do it. Your sparkle effect is you, your sparkly, Lisa is your sparkly Tiffany and your sparkly Suzy. And what does the sparkle look like for you? For me, oh my God, it's so much color. It's so much art. It's so much, oh, so many things to touch and so many things that decorate the walls and decorate. Spirit and there's all these plants and all this kind of stuff. What makes you giddy? What makes you happy? And you know what? If you need some work with this, absolutely. Take yourself out on some dates. All by yourself. All by yourself. Go somewhere and explore. And if you walk in and you're like, ah, this doesn't feel right, walk. Wake up. There's no more to the story than that. That's it. We don't have to go into a long series of why something is rah, even though we, a lot of us have been taught that I know is only was taught that. It's all about what lights you up? That is your sparkle. And when you bring you with that vibration with all the areas of your life, Ooh baby. Ooh baby. That's. Untucking your life and embracing your awesomeness at its finest. Woo. Awesome. So, I appreciate all of you that have liked the podcast and our subscribers. Absolutely love it. Hey, if you haven't followed yet, please follow. I would absolutely love it. I really appreciate it. I appreciate you. You guys are fucking awesome. When I say hello, gorgeous, hello, gorgeous. And when you look in the mirror and you say, hello, gorgeous. No, that hello, gorgeous is looking back at you because that's who you are. So, yours, Margo, effect. Fang mastering your mindset. How does it get any better than that? Until next time, claim. You're awesome, this baby, because you are. See you soon. Bye-bye.

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