Ep. 88: Beyond the Confidence Code

Episode 88 February 27, 2023 00:25:59
Ep. 88: Beyond the Confidence Code
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep. 88: Beyond the Confidence Code

Feb 27 2023 | 00:25:59


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

Beyond the Confidence Code

 Lots of people have opinions and aren’t shy about telling you what you “should” be like.

 Claim your free copy of, “Unleash Your Inner Adventuress Playbook:  The Ultimate Guide for Your Sparkalicious Journey” by going to LisaGrunden.com and opt in for you free download.

 #advemturess #confidence #community #womenupliftingwomen #motivation #hypnosis #confidencezone #sparklezone @spark

 Everything begins with a spark and that spark is you.

 You don’t have to choose should I follow my #mind or should I follow my #heart.   We live in a yes and world.

 And, connecting your beautiful brain, your throat, your heart and your gut and infuse it with #love and more #love and even more #love you will find it easier to see, to feel to hear with more clarity and will know with every depth of your being what is true for you.

 Use your beautiful voice to say YES I choose this or NO not for me today.

No explanation required.

That is the power of you.  

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Episode Transcript

Beyond the Confidence Code Hello everybody. This is Lisa Grund, and welcome to another podcast episode of Unfuck your life. This is the podcast that celebrates you. Unapologetically embracing your awesome life. We're so glad to hear. We've got a show for you today. We're gonna be all about confidence and before we do that, could you take a moment if you haven't done so already and please follow the unfuck your life podcast. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. Confidence is the C word that has been buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing. And I'm so glad that there are so much activity about it. So much awareness, thoughts. And there's so much about confidence with kids, confidence, girls with boys, especially in this day when kids are really exploring their identity on all different kinds of levels, just like people are exploring their identity on all different levels. And so confidence Beyond confidence because there's a lot of strategies out there. There are tips. There are, you need to have these characteristics. And all of those are absolutely true. And there's more. Would you like to add on? Would you like to have it feel just a little bit juicier? ah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes. So beyond the confidence zone is a place that I like to call the Sparkle Zone because Hey, if you're gonna name something, you may as well give it a fun name. And to me, sparkle is full of pizzazz. It's full of hit hotspot. It's adding your own. Peace, your spark, your personality. This is you because confidence is defined as that feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something that you can trust it. And sweetie. But it is gorgeous. What it is trust. you. Your instincts. Your heart. Your brain, your gut, knowing what feels right and what feels wrong. Now, all of us have this ability. Sometimes we just seem to fine tune it, give it a little upgrade, practice it a little bit, go out there and work with it and really get to know and trust it. That takes everything you know about confidence, everything you know about yourself, everything that you are already doing. And puts it on more than your, a game. It knocks it from an 11 to a 26. Holy smokes Wouldn't you like that. Cuz I did it. I understood confidence when I was younger. I understood confidence. And really what I understood about confidence is I understood that I didn't have as much confidence as I would've liked as I pretended to. And let me tell you how that really works, what it is is that. When you are not trying. And when you are not presenting. That confidence is what exudes from you, because there were a whole host of people that never, ever, ever would've suspected that I suffered from a lack of confidence or self-esteem, especially all my school mates. They had no idea the anxiety that I chose to suffer with. And who you think you are, how, what you think you are about confidence might not be true. I don't mean this is a bad thing. I don't mean this is a good thing. This simply as a thing. So let's delve in cuz remember always learning, expanding your horizons, learning something new and opening up and raising your vibration. Hey, that's what it's all about, right? So just really quickly, if you haven't taken a chance to get your copy of unleashed your inner adventurous, that's where you've really, really, really dived deep. It's that ultimate guide to your spark. Delicious. journey. Whew Go. So go ahead and go to Lisa grande.com and choose the opt-in and we will get you a copy of that as soon as we can. Anyway. So what is it like to, just to exude confidence, to feel just to know it, and then you know it to such an extent that you don't have to say you're confident, you don't have to prove you're confident. You don't have to trust that you're confident. You don't have to doubt. You're confident. It's just your natural state of being. Breathe that in for a moment. Because confident people are very smart, confident people are very trusting. Confident people are very calm. So breathe that in. It becomes your natural state. That's what happens when you're in that sparkle zone beyond confidence. Would you like to know a little bit more about how to accomplish that? Did I hear a lot of yeses. Yeah, absolutely. There has been a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of work. About brain and in hypnosis, we're speaking with the subconscious brain and I take it with my clients. And I let them know that we're actually speaking to your super conscious. Because we are speaking to all that is you, have you ever heard of the mind, body spirit connection? Have you ever heard of the emotional body, the physical body, the heart-centered body, the spiritual body. We combine all of these things. And so I'd like to specifically focus on four areas of your body right now, the first one is the The second is your throat. The third is your heart. Ah, your heart. And the fourth is your gut. Okay. So the brain. Everybody has one and the brain controls the entire body, it's thoughts, it's processes and memories, all kinds of thing. Your brain is just this. a magical organ that I just always envision as just lighting up as it's doing all of these millions of processes all of the And your throat. It's your voice. It's your voice. Your words, your voice. I can't tell you how many people I've known that have had other people. Co-author a book with them or write the book after interviewing them. And they're like, oh, They didn't have my voice. your voice is very important. Your voice is uniquely you. It's how you communicate with the world. And even with yourself, And then let's go to your hearts. Ah, you know, your heart, it's bl pumping. All of that blood, all of that life force energy to every single cell, every single Organ all of your body and the blood flows back. And then it goes out again and it flows back and it goes through all these different systems. And then there's your gut. Your gut now, not the gut that you're thinking of, Oh, using gut as your stomach. And it feels so large. It is though gut as your stomach and what, you know, have you ever heard of a gut check? a gut response, just a feeling or a knowingness that something really wrong or really right. Everybody has that. And it's very real science has proved that is something that every living creature, every living, being. has this gut response, that's the survival instinct. And it's what you can trust is that physical, emotional response that this is a yes or this is a no. And learning to trust that your beautiful brain, lots of people have said they've written songs. Lots of people have asked me, should I follow my head? Should I follow my heart? Which one Should I choose? Oh, dearly beloved. Beautiful one. You know this, we don't live in an either or world. We live in an and world. And yes, you follow your heart. You follow your brain. Your head and you follow your gut, And you use the power of your throat. That is your voice to say ye yes, I choose this or no, not now. Simple as that no justification. It's a strong yes. It's a strong, no. Ah, You know what your world has been like, you know, what your life has been like and you know all the things that have been done to you and you know, that people have lied to you over and over and over again, I, myself dated for a very, very, very short time, this man way back. Oh, gosh, I don't know. It was sometime back, I think in the early two thousands. And anyway, oh, this guy, he looked, he looked like he stepped off the cover of a GQ, and he paid so much, he said all of the right words. Every word coming out of his mouth was exactly right. It was like, have you ever wondered that. If the man could just say these things to you. However, I just, there was Churning this churning, churning, churning. this something just wasn't right. And then he would come back with a charm and he would ooze and he was so suave. And, again, I would be like, not trusting my instincts. Following a heart following a boy that had been misled cuz everything was so charming on the surface. And my gut knew that underneath something was very wrong. I don't need to go into the. All of the gist of the story. You've heard lots of stories. Maybe even some of have been your own. After a very short time, I was very blessed that he showed his true colors that I couldn't not see them. It was screaming so loudly. And actually it was me re reacting to my own gut response that I'm like, whoa, wait a minute. Something really feels off here. And Ooh. He did not like being questioned. How dare you not trust me. When any of those kinds of words come your way? Red flag red flag, red That is your gut honey, and that is taking care of you. So I told you, we were gonna talk about your brain, your heart, your throat, and your gut. And. We have to get all of these things, talking and communicating with each other. Talking and communicating with each other. This is the process that I do with lots of clients. That want Me to assist them with this. And I'm also gonna walk you through a little bit, how you can do it on your own and what you get to practice on. Is that you have a brain, you have a throat, you have a heart. So the brain thinking, thinking, thinking, figuring everything out in charge of all of it, your throat, that's your voice, your heart. Is, oh, this beautiful organ that it's like feeling right? Yes. It's pumping all the blood to your body and all of that. And yet that's where you feel that emotion that love tightness when. There seems to be a lack of love. And then your gut is what you can trust. It's the survivor of the species It's the survival of the species. I should say. And so what would happen. If you just had a little picture there. A little body. And that body showed the brain. you'd see your throat. The heart was illuminated and the gut was illuminated. Okay. So just imagine that in your brain really quickly, just a sheet of paper there drawing, you could even imagine that there in front of you. There's a brain, you know, the throat is you could see the heart and there's the gut and they're just labeled and they're there. And you can trust it. And so what it is they do get connected. Did you ever play connect the dots? Have you ever drawn lines to create a, picture? Have you ever drawn lines to con connect something to show that this is how it all works It all is working together. And it's a circulatory, not quite circulatory. In this case, a little bit different. Because everything is infused with a power of your heart. So every step you take in confidence, every of, one of the actions, every one of the. Values. Of the beliefs of the strategies that you imbue, that you infuse with this, the energy of your heart. So just imagine for a second, you connect with your heart and all your heart is pumping so beautifully. and Oh, bright light and you can feel it. And so imagine taking a scoop. Like you would grab a scoop of flowers. You take a scoop of that. Heaping love from your heart. You go up to your. Throat, And you coat that throat. Just imagine as you draw that line, just coating, coating, coating, coating, coating, coating. Like you were cooking something and you were coating it with flour. You were covering it with egg. You were just playing, playing, playing, playing your fingers are in there. coating every single cell of your throat with this loving energy from your heart. And now you're done with that and now, instead of going on, you go back to your heart. This is why I said it's not quite circulatory back to the heart that has been infused with even more love, because, you know, Love isn't something that the more you take of it, the less you have Love is something that the more of it you use, the more of it you get. And you grab another big heaping scoop of love. You travel up to your brain and up to your brain and you see everything firing cuz Your brain is so busy and now you're coat. Just imagine coding, like you would be coat a chicken or coat a pan. Coding coating, coating every single cell in your brain. With love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love from that heart infused with the power of your heart. And Now all that thinking big, healthy heaping dose. of that love, love, love. And now you travel back down to your heart. And now they're in your heart. That's already pumping, pumping, pumping so full of love. You grab a great heaping scoop. And guess what you coat again, every single cell in your heart, even though that's where you got it from you go, oh, I love you so much. I'm just gonna give you more of this. And so you're coding, coating, coating. Just imagine every single cell inside and out beautiful imagination, make it up. Pretend Albert Einstein said imagination is more powerful than knowledge. Your brain does not know the difference between what you've imagined you've done and what you've actually done the same neuro pathways, fire and form the connection. And that connection is strong. And the more that you do this, the more powerful it becomes. And now that you've coded every single. cell inside of your heart, you grab big Huan scoop of love, because there's just so much more. Just see it. Imagine, see it. And even if you can't see it, pretend, make it up that it's there. The same neuro pathways will fire. And so now go down to your gut, that beautiful gut. The survival of this. species. That? Yes, this is good that no, this is not is that emotional, that physical gut check response and coat every single cell, every single cell, every single cell, every single cell. Inside and outside and forwards and backwards and upside down and all around every single cell. And back to your heart. So you might think that we're done. Hey, we did it all right. Absolutely. I believe in the power of three. Yes. There's a little witch in me somewhere. I believe in the power of three. So grab a big cuing scoop. We're gonna go a little bit faster now because you already know the process. Grab a big Huan scoop of love from your heart. Go over to your throat and coat every single cell inside and outside love. Love, love, love, love, love Oh, Feel your voice expanding, expand, expanding back down to your heart. Grab another scoop of love and notice how much more energy, how much more light there is in your heart and go up to your brain. That gorgeous brain It's firing, firing, firing. Everything is lit up and you coat everything, make it up. Visualize pretend. make it up. You can only do this right coat, every single cell. Now back down to your heart, that gorgeous heart that has even more love. And let's give it some love too. Let's coat every single cell again with that love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, and back down to your gut coating ever. Excuse me, back up to your heart. Grab another scoop of love back down to your gut. Coat, coat, coat, coat, coat, coat, coat, coat, everything inside and out, inside and out every single back to your heart. And here's number three from your heart to your throat. co. Back to your heart. Another scoop of love back to your brain co, back to your heart Another scoop of love. Co your heart, Co Your heart. Another scoop of love down to your get coco, And now I want you to sit here for a moment. 68 seconds is all that you need. I thought hell for 17 seconds automatically grabs another thought. And so now see that connection. Feel it, see it happening again from your heart that love to your throat, to your heart, to your brain, to your heart. Another scoop of love to your gut. See it all lit up. Feel the connections actually imagine what this feeling sensation would be like in your body. Can you see, what do you see? What do you pretend that you see? What would you like to see? Do you hear any sounds? What sensations do you feel in your body Do you feel warmth? Do you feel a tingling? Is there something else? Is there a cool rush of air? Is, are all of your senses? Just woo, Like extra, extra, extra awake and alert and do this exercise beautiful one. you can't do it enough, do this exercise call me up and say, Hey, I want more of what, how you do that exercise cuz they go a lot more intensive with it. However this for you, this goes you beyond the confidence zone. And then as you're doing this, as you're viewing all of this now throw in some of those affirmations that you have. Like, I am intelligent. I am beautiful. When I do this exercise, I am a money magnet. When I do this exercise. I feel the love coursing through my veins. As you say that an affirmation all by itself is incredibly a powerful. And when you infuse it with an action. Like when I smile. When I do this exercise, when I imagine. This connection between my heart, my throat, my heart, my brain, my heart. My heart, my heart, my gut. That connection between your brain. And your throat and your heart. And your gut. So why do we do this exercise? Why do we always engage with it? Because you continue to build that. neuro pathway. It's strong and it's vibrant and all of those other places where, you know what, oh, his eyes were so perfect. And he said all the right things. And so I'm gonna ignore all of that. Neuro pathways, they become overgrown. They become a place that you just don't use before because you're creating this superhighway over here. And you use your voice. Yes. I choose more of this. No, I do not. And you don't need to explain yourself to fucking anybody anymore. Breathe that in. That is you. That is how powerful you are. And how do I know this? Science has proven it, and this is how you came in. It is your birthright It's how you were born. It's what you were born to be that first 10 years of your life, a lot of this was trained out of you and you forgot how to use it. That's all you believe. Oh, okay. Maybe I'm not as magical as I thought I was. I guess I'm more like that. And all of other things seeped in and those seeds grew and they overgrew that neuro pathway and all those systems. That knew who you were. This is where you write your narrative, your sparkle zone narrative. In my sparkle zone, though, there is tons of color. There's tons of art. There's tons of belief in oneself. That I don't even think about anymore. People come up to me. And say things and I'm like, oh, cool. Thank you. And then part of me feels a little bit good because wow. I didn't even, I wasn't trying to do that. I wasn't reminding myself to do that. And the bec it is who you naturally are. So then how do you use all of this? How do you use it all adventurous. Beautiful. One gorgeous being. When you ask yourself, That question, should I follow my head or should I follow my heart? Maybe you'll add a step in there that says, Hmm. Why don't I just connect everything and see. Hmm. Feel that in your body now. Ah. I am a hypnotherapist and I go way beyond hypnosis and I call it hypno magic. Because it is the connection of your entire body, all of your feelings, all of your sensation, all of your emotions. We're not about making any part of you wrong ever. Again, And this is a work in progress. There are days that I, that there are days that I need to remind myself of this more times in a minute, than I usually like to confess, although, sometimes there are days. And other women that I admire, you know, what they say? I have days too. That's why we support one another. That we hold eyes for one another, that we see the truth of you. And You are. we're seeing the truth of ourselves. I always used to say, and I still say that we will love you. Until you learn to help to love yourself, and then we're gonna love you even more. We're gonna love you While you're learning. To love yourself. And then we're gonna love you even more. And then all of that love comes back and this is more than just the, oh, I love you with all my heart. This is the. This, the spiritual love. This is way at the top of the Operational change. This is the thing that. The things that you are wanting and desiring in your life are happening. They're happening because of the frequency that you are. And. You're not down in the muck in the merr. All of the time anymore, or even most of the time, maybe we go down there, dip our toes in a little bit. Yeah. no, I really don't like this, all that. cl Clingy icky feeling. Maybe I'll stay down there for a day or two or a week or two, you're not here to get everything right. All of the time you are here to experience life. You are here to expand. You are here to create, to be, oh, so curious. And how can we be, Oh, so curious if we, say, I can't try that because that's Ugh, I can't try that because that's, Ugh. We can go, huh? You know what? I don't like that. Let me choose something else you choose. Choose. Choose again. That's the inner adventurous in you. That's oh, this is my life. What, what you mean that I get to have a choice. Yes. You know what? I could never could have imagined when I was a little girl and then growing up and at 18, I got married so that I could run away from home. I could never have imagined traveling the world as I have. I can never have imagined living in a country, speaking to the people. And, living the life that I have doing what I do for a living now, writing I just creating art, I, getting to work with all of you, beautiful souls. I never could have imagined that right now. And it's like, oh. and so now it's now it's it is. This wow. How, how is it getting even better than this? And somehow it is. And there's that constant expansion, and that constant evolution, and then something comes and who knocks you right off of that thing. And guess what? It's not that climb, climb, climb, climb, climb that you had to do before. It could be though, if you choose to make it that way and you're never wrong. Yes, just play, always just play. Play is my word for everything. It involves the most intensive work It involves the most intensive fun. Play is everything it's experiencing. Just like you did when you were Dini baby. and you played with your toes, your toes were. Endlessly fascinating. And you were also curious and remember you could, taste them and touch them into all kinds of things, that is the magic of you. is connecting. your brain, your throat, your heart, and your gut. All with the love, the love, the love, the love that infuses your heart. So before you start this, you take a moment. and you just allow a white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white light. To infuse your energy. There you go. And then what comes from your voice? Is your voice, your truth. And the more that you practice this. The better you get, the more magical you become, the more gorgeous you are, the more that we get to play with you. We'll see you soon. This is Lisa gorgeous. You have an absolutely fucking fantastic week and I'll see you next time. Bye-bye.

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