Ep. 89: Empower Yourself Through Hypnosis

Episode 89 March 06, 2023 00:21:52
Ep. 89: Empower Yourself Through Hypnosis
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep. 89: Empower Yourself Through Hypnosis

Mar 06 2023 | 00:21:52


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

Empower Yourself Through Hypnosis

 Hi Gorgeous!

 Imagine your life #fabulous #inspiring #adventure #womenupliftingwomen #hypnosis #powerful #empowered #confidance

 Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t; you’re right”.  What that means is your life is what you make it to be.   What you believe it to be.  What you believe it can be; regardless of the past or your current circumstances.

 Who are you not to be #gorgeous #strong #fabulous #abundant #confident.

It’s all about exciting your imagination, exciting your brain, bringing that into your heart, your mind and Spirit.

 Get your free copy of “Unleash Your Inner Adventuress: The Ultimate Guide to Your Sparkalicious Journey” when you opt in at LisaGrunden.com today.

 The world needs you.  Your #joy your #energy your #smile.

 Do you want to play?

 Book a free 15 minute Discovery session with me today at BookWithLisa.me and we’ll talk soon.

 Have a great day.

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Episode Transcript

UYL Podcast - Empower Yourself Through Hypnosis Hello everybody. This is Lisa. Welcome to another episode of unfuck your life. The podcast that celebrates you, unapologetically embracing your awesome life. I ask you, how does it get any better than that? What would it have been like had all through our life. We had received that message growing up consistently. If the people feeding us, the messages had received that message for, for themselves. And the people telling those people had received that message. Could you just imagine how that just multiplies and multiplies and multiplies, and now that you have that message, you are consciously subconsciously unconsciously. Sending that message out for other people, celebrating you, embracing your awesome life. And what is your awesome life? It's everything about your life, it's you, it's the things that you have is the things you believe, the things you believe about yourself, who gets to play in your universe. Your power to say yes. Your power to say no, yes. I want this. No, I don't want that. So today I thought I would focus on teaching you. Training, do a little bit of training and giving you some resources so that you can get more extensive training. Should you desire it? Any way, if you haven't taken a second to already please follow this podcast. Hi, really appreciate it. And so what is the super secret? Not so super secret technique that I want to share with you today. I wanted to discuss with you today. Empowering yourself. That's you empowering you through hypnosis. And have gnosis is a word that some people know a lot of, some people aren't quite sure. A lot of people when I asked them, what is your experience of hypnosis? Well, they've seen a show in Vegas or someone else, and someone barks like a dog or they perform some kind of fun acts on stage that makes the audience laugh. That if he did that at a party, your face would be all red and. And that, and hypnosis is that, and it's so much more. I have no CIS, really the art of talking to yourself is the art of persuading yourself and not. Notice I said talking. Persuading enjoying, embracing, inviting. Not forcing, not forcing nothing against your will. You have a desire to drop 20 pounds, you want to feel more confident in your own skin. You would like to have a better job and do much better. The interview process. Those kinds of things. And so you have this idea. And then you have all the evidence. I put evidence in quotes there. Of all the reasons that you can have it, everything that you ever does is the beginning of time and yada, yada, yada, anything everybody ever said. And so there's this wide chasm between here. I decide, I want this over. There is the goal. Sometimes you can see it. Sometimes it's so far away, then it's like a teeny tiny little dot. And that talking to yourself is talking with yourself. So let's talk a little bit more about that. What does that mean? First off, all hypnosis is learning. I'll hypnosis is self-hypnosis it have gnosis you can never, ever, ever be forced to do anything against your will. When you see people on a show in Vegas or wherever else, performing acts guests, what they want to have fun. They've given themselves permission to have fun. Hypnotists are trained to see which individuals out there are the ones that are going to be the most engaging and energetic on the stage. It's really easy to tell. And. It works with everyone because can you learn. Can you chat with yourself? Have you ever convinced yourself? Of something. That may have been wrong. Have you ever convinced yourself of something that was absolutely fabulous. Many of our caregivers. You know, to teach us to live in the real world. They only knew what they knew that someone else taught them, that someone else taught them. You know, we've been through this before. I've talked about this. That's why I said, wouldn't it be great if everybody had the message and kept reporting the message. Where we celebrate you, unapologetically embracing your awesome fucking life. Yes. And everything about you. And we're taught that that's grandiose. That's that stuck up? That that's not, what if that's not true? I'm not saying that it doesn't happen with some people. And why does what have, what happens with some people have anything to do with you? You just look at that and go, Hmm. You know what? I'm not choosing that. Not going to be like that. Okay. And what does it mean for you? What does feeling really good in your skin mean to you? Does it mean you kind of everybody else down? Does it mean that you just always have a smile on your face? Do you hold your shoulders back a little bit. Do you make more eye contact? Do you. Take a little extra care. In the morning. With your departments in the shower, in the bath, a little bit of makeup, brushing your teeth. The outfit that you pick is, is a tiny bit different. I tell you when I worked from home and so on the days when I just decided that I'm just wearing my, you know, grubbies my comfy grubbies. Those are days really that lend itself more to reading good books, as opposed to working in creating it's more isolation, it's more snuggling in, it's more a cup of hot chocolate, a cup of tea and that kind of stuff. And when I just pick it outfit and it doesn't matter what the outfit is, you can create it out of anything. And I'm like, ah, for me, I always start with the shoes. I'm like, okay, I want to wear these shoes today. What would look good with this? Sometimes I dress up a little more. Sometimes I dress up a little less. I'm always just kind of casual and then I can throw a coat on if I want or something like that. And it's how you feel about yourself. Now guess what? I remember I've told you, before that you came into this, you came into this world into this life, into this body, this bright being, regardless of who your biological parents were, how your first days. On the planet we're in, even the first years you came in that way and other people, they said, oh, you must have this. You must have this. You'd have to do this. You have to do this. You'd have to do this. You have to do this. You have to do stand up, sit down, be quiet. You must eat all of your vegetables. You have to do this. You have to do that. You have to do this. Why don't you behave all of those kinds of things. And so now imagine talking with your beautiful staff. Hello, gorgeous. Hello, gorgeous. And I'm going to show you the difference. Explain the difference between kick-ass affirmations. And hypnosis, which kick? Kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick ass. Affirmations. Because before you do this. You. Put on some music, maybe that's nice and quiet that you really, really love. That feels really good. You could even put on some of the Baroque composers, such as Bach. A few others. Put on some music that just makes you chill and feel good. Hey, you just take some time like entering of light state of meditation. To really Bri. Really Bree. And I'm going to teach you a really quick way of breathing. It's you inhale? And you hold it for the mental count of four. And then you exhale, imagining a tiny little straw between your lips. You close your mouth, you breathe through your nose. You inhale. Hold it to the mental count of four. And then relax. Pretending there's, that's try on your mouth. And so you do that four or five, six times. And set an intention for yourself. That I'm doing this. Just for me. You're doing this just for you. Because you have the power, the compassion, the capacity, that intellectual you're you're smart enough. You have the intellectual, the mental capacity. You have everything you need. When you see somebody that has something that you would like to have more of. Look at them, put a smile on your face and say, yes, I'll have that too. Write that down. You see something you like. Yes, Melanie. Interface. Yes, I'll have that too. Do that right now, think of somebody that you saw recently, or maybe on TV, maybe they had a great coat. Maybe they had a great walk. Maybe it was just the way they attracted. The . Attention. Of the opposite sex, the same sex, the attention of everyone. And say. Yes, I'll have that too, with that smile on your face and notice how differently that feels. And. When it feels good like that. Or when there's the hope that maybe it will feel good like that, or there's that I don't really know what I knew and I don't really know if it works, but you know what? It feels good to put a smile on my face and say, yes, I'll have that too. It feels really good. And the more that you do this. The better that you get. If you haven't already, Hey, go to Lisa grennan.com. Check out the opt-in. I talk about this and quite a few other things in the unleash. Your inner adventure is playbook. It's the ultimate guide to living yours. Barca licious life. How much fun is that. So back to you. What are some of those things that you've wanted? Do I want to feel confident in your own skin. Do you want to feel 10 pounds lighter? But to just like to stand up straighter. Do you want to connect with more people? Do you want to be understood? And now. I'm just going to give you a little caveat. This doesn't mean your gorgeous, fabulous self is right for everyone. MI. There's a lot of people that love me. There's a lot of people that don't. So what. It's narrowing in. On those that you really want for yourself because when you feel more empowered, In your own skin when you're more confident in your own body. When you just feel fucking good about yourself and just. Be that is not something that you have to put on. It's something you naturally are. The people that are more of a vibrational match to you. People you'd like to have her friends, the people that support you as opposed to talking shit about you. You know what I mean? God, anybody ever had any friends like that? Who are they? Who are they best friends with while they're best friends with whoever is in the room and who are they talking about? Whoever's not fucking in the room. I remember the day that I remembered that, wow, what happens when I'm not in the room? That was a very, very, very, very, very long time ago. And it was just like, huh, this, you know, Versus go through people. Oh, it didn't feel right. It felt icky. And I just, I chose a long time ago. I was quite young that, that just wasn't how I was going to live my life. And nobody had taught me. That I could. Just change that how I felt about myself. That I could just change all that conversation in my head. Nobody ever told me that I didn't know that. I can't tell you how many decades went by before I figured that. And then once I figured it out, I couldn't wait to get into a business where I did this kind of thing, because what the world needs is more people that empower more people. And the more that you oh, Body your confidence and you smile more and you create more things. Just open up. And it's. It's like the ripple in the pond that I talked about it, it just keeps propagating out and propagating out, propagating out. So I can give you the words. And what's more important. Are the words that you pick and choose that you say to yourself, And you allow wanting those to resonate all the way through your body. Because what some hypnotists do is they just shoot you straight affirmations and just write affirmations. And it goes to the subconscious mind and you know what? That's fabulous. It's great. It really is, and it works and it's repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated until it, it is replaced by a different thought. Usually an opposing thought it'll say until it's replaced by a different thought. Now. When you M body. That I am confident. And I feel confident and I know what it looks like. To feel confident. And I know how I feel. Feeling confident. I know how my body feels. And you take that message all the way through your subconscious mind, into your superconscious, into your body, where you preach it, you live it. Yes. That will still stay. Until you choose. I said, choose to replace it with a different thought. Usually a contrary thought, usually a negative type thought. It will stay. Now when it's your entire body. That's feeling this as opposed to just hearing that voice in just your head, have you feel it, smell it. Taste it touch it. So, if you have any doubt about this kind of thing, working. I wanted to just really quickly, just really quickly don't do it in your head. Just see it on a screen. Just imagine there's a big movie screen in front of you. And imagine a time when your mother was really angry at you. It was the look on her face. How did you feel in your body? And just see it on the screen and let it go. And you're like, Ah, I get it. And anywhere with that attached, any part of you, just move your fingers now and let it go. Bri. Move your fingers and let it go. I remember what I told you about how you came in naturally, this. Being that is your natural state. And it is so much more powerful. The vibrational thoughts. Remember the 68 seconds. I thought hell for 17 seconds attracts another thought for 17 seconds attracts another thought for 17 seconds attracts another thought. And before, you know, it got 68 seconds of really happy thoughts, all strong together. And instead of that, actually being just 68 seconds of happy thoughts. That thought is so powerful. Playing with puppy, smiling at a little baby. Kiss kiss, kiss, kiss, having the best work. Breast for best fucking date of your life. Oh gosh. This was the day when everything went so great. The. Just so many things, that bed was the meal that you ate, or the friendship that you stared at the way that you just laughed from your belly for so many hours. That's your cheeks. Hurt ever felt like that. And you string those together. That's 68 seconds becomes more than 23 hours. That's how much that natural state is, how easy it is for you to access it. And so now think some of those happy thoughts get in that 68 seconds and then go, oh wow. I feel powerful. I am gorgeous. I know what it feels like to be gorgeous. I know what it looks like to be gorgeous. I know how I feel. Being gorgeous. And I love how much compassion I have is I own my gorgeousness. I love how I influence others around me. I love how other people just simply react and they smile. I love how much bigger my own smile gets. I love how light it feels. Being me. Oh, my goodness. I love to be me. Do you feel that? And now imagine that you check out a professional, you go to a hypnotist, you go to see a hypnotherapist. You know what? If you'd like to have a conversation about this just 15 minutes, you know, go to book with lisa.me. That's book with lisa.me and schedule a 15 minute discovery session with me. There's no charge to that. And we'll talk. And we'll see what it is that you desire if it is right, that we continue working either one-on-one or in one of my many products or groups. Absolutely fabulous. And if not, Hey, that's absolutely fabulous to either way call book with lisa.com and set up your free discovery session today. Because who are you not to feel empowered? Who are you not to be confident? Who are you not? To be intelligent. You are all of these things and more. And the more that you elevate, you'll spend a little more time when those thoughts that come through releasing and letting them go. Simply releasing and letting them go. Remember what I've said? Is that the past is always the past. Those thoughts are always there. How ever. As you beef up your game. Ooh, to have engaged in to see self-talk. And love all over yourself and love all over other people. Those old thoughts. They become overgrown. I remember what I said, this stays unless it's replaced. With a different thought. Because these neuropathways are now like super highways. And I just got. You go. So fast. And then. Should you choose? To forget. And no longer twos to be your gorgeous self. Well, Oh, honey, that's your choice. Who are you not to be fabulous. Who are you not to be gorgeous? Who are you not to be a money magnet? Who are you not to have friendships? Who are you not to be popular? Doesn't mean everybody likes you now. Do you like everybody? No. Does it mean we hate them? No, it just means, you know, we don't hang out with them. So what, it's not a big deal. There's no big deal at all. Ah, breathe that in and feel the power that is you. Feel the power that is you. And since you decide to do so, come join us in the adventurous is league who we're going to have so much fun. So, anyway, this is Lisa tips on hypnosis. It's how you talk to yourself, how you feel about yourself, and it's engaging all of yourself and you talk to yourself in an IM. Inviting way and an encouraging way. And the mind gets excited. The mind gets excited about something like that. And the rest of your body is like, Ooh, what is that? I was a more of that. That feels really good. Show me, show me what that's like. And then you throw those words in there. You just throw them out there without any attachment to have. It looks like or feels like you just use your beautiful imagination and you just imagine what it's like. You just imagine how it tastes, how it smells, how it feels. What you hear? How it feels inside and you engage your whole body and the more you do this and the honey, we are just talking seconds at a time. Minutes at a time, they get strewn together throughout the day. You take a couple minutes here. You take a couple of minutes there. Then guess what? You sit and you make a little recording of yourself and you play it back and you listen to it as. Exciting the imagination. Exciting the mind, exciting your body that Hey. This is what I desire. And then remember what we talked about in the very beginning where there's that thing that you want. And then way off in the distance, or maybe you can see it and maybe you can, is that desire? There's that big chasm in between of all of the shitstorm of corrupt. That has happened in your life. Guess what? It condenses and it gets hard. It gets easier to fly across or walk across or swim the grass or whatever it is. And it's. You being that, which you already have. Get your copy of the adventure. Is this league today? This is Lisa. Let's all excite our imaginations. Let's all have fun with this. Let's all live our to see. And fuck with a bull lives because you know what the world needs you, the world needs your smile. The world needs your presence. The world needs your energy because there's no one else. Just like you. And you are somebody that I would like to know. So till next time, this is Lisa. I'll see you soon. Bye bye.

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