Ep. 87: Where’s All This Negative Crap Coming From?
The answer is simple.
A question I was taught a long time ago, in a land far far away (A little lightness here and hopefully you smiled), was “Is this mine or does this belong to somebody else?”
Spoiler alert: it always came from somewhere else. Even the mentors, teachers, caregivers you learned it from learned it from someone else and so did they.
The first 7 to 10 years of life you are a sponge and absorb everything around you without question, without thought – you simply accepted it because you trusted the source.
Guess what, each of them had caregivers too. It goes back back so far back.
Step through the sparkly exercise and brainstorms in the rediscovery of you. Go to LisaGrunden.com, opt in and receive your download of “Unleash Your Inner Adventuress: The Ultimate Guide to Your Sparkalicious Journey!!
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