Ep. 100: I Am Enough - Meaning

Episode 100 July 31, 2023 00:11:06
Ep. 100: I Am Enough - Meaning
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep. 100: I Am Enough - Meaning

Jul 31 2023 | 00:11:06


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

I Am Good Enough Meaning

I AM GOOD ENOUGH is the mantra it would behoove all of us to live by.  In a time, in a culture where people find fault with one another and say it, write it, claim it over and over and over again.


 You are good enough, you’ve always been good enough, you are enough and you are FABULOUS!!!!!

 Share your story, your goals, hopes, dreams, desires and ENEGY.    Adventuress’s Unite!!

Come join the tribe of other Fabulous Adventuress Women:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/535962668597164

Want to chat?  Go to:  BookWithLisa.me and let me know what you desire and strategize making that happen.

 Here is the poem I read, from the book “Apologies that Never Came” by Pierre Alex Jeanty.

 “Closure is not something that comes easily,

It is something you chase and fight to have/

It is not a phase, but a thing that will bring

back the happiness you’d thought they’d

left with.

It is the thing that will always remind you

that you are still a winner as long as you

are breathing, despite the losses you’ve



The beautiful thing about closure,

is that it’s something you can gift yourself


you don’t have to wait on what they need they need

to do and know they won’t do.


What are you waiting on?


If their apology never came, here it is…


                        I AM SORRY.”



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Episode Transcript

Hello and welcome to another episode of Unfuck Your Life. I'm your host, Lisa Grunden. And today, we're going to talk about. I am enough. Meaning what does that mean? What does I am enough? Aren't we supposed to strive for being brilliant, being gorgeous and being fabulous. And what if. I am enough. Meaning means all of that and more because you know what, here we do not subscribe to limitations. Even if we are carrying a fuck ton of shit, ton of them on our backs. So I'm just going to take a moment. To ask you if you haven't already subscribed, followed my podcast, find me out on ticktock on Facebook. Joined the adventurous living group on Facebook, please do so I'll put the link in the chat. Anyway, let's get back and let's talk about, I am enough, meaning. You know what that word meaning that's added to. I am enough is guess what? You get to define it. You get to decide it. You get to create it because when you came in to this gorgeous world, when you came in your life, your promise, you were this teeny tiny bundle of absolute. Fabulous joy and bull list. And regardless of your circumstances, as you started here, You had something that you wanted. Whether you wanted to be a ballerina, you want it to be a doctor. You wanted to work construction. You wanted to take care of kids. You wanted to babysit dogs. You wanted to color. You wanted to paint. You wanted to bake. You wanted to make cookies. You wanted to be a cashier. You wanted to be a guest attended. The list goes on and on. And then there'd been all these fabulous people in your life who all came into and decided to try to help you to really coach you on how to be good enough. And do you know what I've done that too. I've tried to tried with my own kids to, to prevent them from the mistakes that I made, all the things that got in my way and you don't what you're fucking fabulous. And those people that, that put all that stuff out there, they all were only doing what they thought was best for you. And so now wherever you are. I want you to say to yourself, I am enough. I am enough. Meaning I am enough. Meaning I M E enough embrace those words. They sound so simplistic. It sounds who the fuck gives a shit or anything like that. Yes, we do swear on this podcast who the fuck gives a shit and you know what. Why do we fucking give a shit about what everybody else thinks? Am I'm not the only one here. Who I've had all these people saying, wow, Lisa, you're you could be so brilliant if only you weren't so fat, if just your teeth weren't crooked, if only you weren't so negative. Guess what? I had a fuck ton of anger from having been put down all of my life and that anger just boiled and boiled and boiled the nuts. What happens in our lives when we just don't embrace. When we just don't know to the core of our be yang. And what you do know to the core of your being that you are enough, that you've always been enough that you've got it doesn't mean that you're not going to do different things in your life. Of course, you're going to do different things. Maybe it requires a. Class in painting, maybe it requires, I don't know, maybe join a writer's group, maybe trying to improv group. Maybe you played the park with kids. There's no end and there's no end to the craziness, the zaniness or any of that. Embrace that I am enough. I am enough. I am enough. I am enough. And what's going to happen is all those places where that little voice, that irritating little voice. That critical voice that says. Yeah. And all that other bullshit that happens in there. And I'll use simply say. Is stop. Enough. And pivot turn your physical body around. I am. Enough. I am enough. I am enough. I am enough and now see how your resonance. Is beginning to shift instead of the, just being in your Headspace, it comes down into your body. I was at a writers group last week. And there were just a few of us left at the table at the end, or there was this gorgeous young, 20 something year old who had been editing her first book for two years. She'd been editing it. And I looked at her and I said, honey, you're fabulous. Stop, fucking editing your book, give it to someone else, give it to friends, give it to your audience who was writing for teenagers, give it to your audience. A couple of people that you know, and have them run through and give you some suggestions and give you some edits and things like that. We get stuck in this paralysis when that fear comes up and that choking comes up and the only way through it is through it, over it, around it. Underneath it and through it, no matter how you go over, around, under, back into a jump over it, skip with it, dance with it in any way, start moving your body and playing with that. Because that, that, that. That I am not good enough. Is it's everywhere. It's contagious and it's not true. It's the lie. It's the lie we've been fed the lie that we've all been fed to doubt your gorgeous brilliance and what. Ah, I've been there sometimes I still am there and I have to go through the same exercises myself. My hubby, you said, wow, it's going to be the hundredth episode because this is the hundredth episode. And it was a really big deal. It's a really big deal. And I was like, oh my God, I'm not worthy of a really big deal. It's not a really big deal and it is a really big deal and it's not a really big deal. This is the life of the adventurous. This is the life of I M good enough. Meaning the size that I am, the shape that I am, the clothes that I wear, the job that I have, the friends that. I hang out with the people that the things I wonder about. What does that nonsense that goes through your mind? What are you thinking? All of those weird ass, crazy aspirations. Do you want to. Sail around the world. Do you want to travel all the way to Paris? Would you tell us like to go and pet dogs? And none of those is too much. None of them is too little. Do you want to play with dogs? Do you want to play with babies? Do you want to play with food? Do you want to be at the playground? You want to swing on the swings? Let your artist out. She's starving. Maybe not just financially, she's actually hungry for energy and attention. So what gets in the way? Of I am good enough, meaning I am good enough. Meaning what gets in that way, that story, that first person that comes into your head and that way they looked at you and the sound of their voice and the way they said your name and all of that kind of stuff. And. Last week or two weeks ago. I think it was now I was ordering some book and I can't remember what book I was ordering on Amazon. And this other book of poetry came into my queue. Oh, I think I was ordering a book from Robert Prost. A book of his poems. And the title of this book said, apologies. That never came and forgive me. This guy has a beautiful French name and with my accent, I know I'm butchering it badly. His name is Pierre Alex. Jontay. I believe. And I flipped through this because this just intrigued me apologies that never came. Because how many things are we holding onto from your parents? A sister. Friend a coworker, an old boss or any of that, that if they would just have apologized for that weird ass fucking city thing that they really did, that screwed up a lot of stuff. That didn't seem like it was very important. And yet you can feel it right there on your brain, in your heart. And I was like, really curious about apologies that never came. And so I ordered this book and I flipped through it. Like I did I usually do. And I want to share with you. A poem that's at the very end. And now this poem, I think it leads more to a re a romantic kind of relationship. However, With that it works in absolutely everything and absolutely anything. I'm going to share this with you. Apologies that never came. Closure is not something that comes easily. It is something you chase and fight to have. It is not a phase, but a thing that will bring back the happiness you thought they'd left with. It is the thing that will always remind you. That you are still a winner. This is a little long as you were breathing. Despite the losses you've faced. The beautiful thing about closure. Is that it's something you can gift yourself with. You don't have to wait on what they need to do. And no, they won't do. What are you waiting on? If their apology never came. Here it is. I am. Sorry. And then as I read that, Even just now every time I've read this, I've read that poem many times now. I can always feel it. Right there. Because the truth is never anybody. Nobody can ever apologize the way that you want them to the way that you need them to that as a gift. That you give your self, that apology may be from a younger you from the, you now. Younger you from a younger you to the, you now it could be from anyone. Resonate with that. Allow yourself that closure. Because you've always been enough. You've always been enough. You've always been enough. You are fabulous. You are gorgeous. You are talented. Yarn fucking measure. And I am so grateful. To you. So until next time. Remember, I am good enough. I am good enough. I am good enough. Meaning XYZ. I am good enough. Meaning Y C L I am good enough. Meaning I'm gorgeous and talented as fuck. This is Lisa. I'll see you next time. Bye-bye.

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