Ep. 107: How do You Find Your Soulmate

Episode 107 December 11, 2023 00:09:58
Ep. 107: How do You Find Your Soulmate
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep. 107: How do You Find Your Soulmate

Dec 11 2023 | 00:09:58


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

Welcome to the Un-fuck Your Life podcast with Lisa, the show that's all about embracing your awesomeness and unapologetically living your adventurous life. Today, we're diving into a topic that's been flooding Lisa's inbox lately: How to find your soulmate. If you've been wondering the same thing, you're in the right place.

First, Lisa advises you to grab a pen and paper or take some notes as we explore the three essential steps to finding your soulmate.

Step 1: Write Down Your Ideal Partner
Without holding back, jot down every trait, characteristic, and quality you desire in your soulmate. From physical appearance to personality traits, hobbies, and values, write down everything that comes to mind.

Step 2: Identify the Must-Haves and Nice-to-Haves
Now, it's time to sift through your list. Distinguish between the absolute must-haves and the nice-to-haves. The must-haves are non-negotiable, deal-breaker qualities that you cannot compromise on. The nice-to-haves are desirable but not critical.

Step 3: Recognize that You Already Possess These Qualities
Here's the game-changer: Understand that the qualities you seek in a soulmate are often a reflection of who you already are, deep down. Embrace and acknowledge these qualities within yourself. This step is about owning and validating your true self.

Once you've completed these three steps, it's time to get out there and start dating. Expand your dating pool, engage in meaningful conversations, and be open to meeting new people. Remember that finding your soulmate is a journey, not a sprint.

Lastly, Lisa hints at a special technique she can teach you to "call" your soulmate into your life. However, this step should only be taken after you've gone through the previous three steps and embraced your authentic self.

In conclusion, finding your soulmate is not about seeking perfection in someone else but recognizing and owning your own qualities. You are magical, worth it, and a delightful gift to the world. So, embrace your awesomeness and stay tuned for more life-changing insights from Lisa.

If you want to explore this topic further with Lisa, book a session at bookwithlisa.me, and be sure to follow this podcast for more transformative episodes. Until next time, this is Lisa, reminding you that you are radiating awesomeness. Bye-bye!

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Episode Transcript

Hey everybody. This is Lisa. Welcome to Un-fuck Your Life podcast and embrace your awesomeness. The podcast that celebrates you. And apologetically living. You're adventurous life. I'm Lisa, I am your hostess on this ride. And today. We're going to talk about how do you find your soulmate? Oh, my goodness. I have been getting this. Question more than any other question. I have been getting more clients on this topic rather than any other topic lately. Then I have in a very long time. Lisa got to find my soulmate. Liza, how do I find my soul mate? Lisa, how do I connect with my soul mate? Lisa, how do I get my soulmate to recognize me? Does this sound familiar to anyone? Once upon a time, I was a serial dater. And for Tim, my definition of a serial dater is I was dating anyone and everyone, and I was losing track and I did not follow this advice. I figured this out along the way. So if you haven't already grab a pen and paper, or you can listen to the podcast, so you can look at the notes and they will be detailed for you. So if you haven't already done so please like follow, share. Tear this podcast, because I really appreciate that. Thank you so much. So, let's get down to the three steps in, how do you find your soulmate? So, the first thing is right now without censoring yourself in any way, write down every single trade he, she, they have to have, they have to be told, do I have to be smart? Do they have to be rich? They have to be poor. They have to know how to fix stuff. What are all those traits, are they kind, what color eyes do they have? Write everything down that you can think of the things that don't matter. You don't have to write that down just as simply doesn't matter. To the second step is go through that list. And what is a nice to have identify the nice to have. They're not absolutely essential. They're not critical. They're not a must have, they're not a deal breaker. They're just nice to have identify the deal-breakers. They have this, or they have that they're dead to me. And go through that. Until there are only two or three. Characteristics that are absolutely what you must have. And the third step is recognized that all of those characteristics. Reside within you own it. What I had heard before is that you got to be that before you can have it. What I have recognized is most of the time, like 99 were then at the time, like 99.8% of the time. People do already. That's already who they are. They just haven't validated for themselves. They haven't owned it within themselves. They haven't expressed it for themselves. They haven't claimed it. And it's true. It is absolutely fricking true. So, let's go through each of those steps individually. Let's go through it again. Let's go through that. So, write down absolutely everything that you want this person to have. Are you going to be in an a polyamorous situation? Are there going to be multiple partners? Liz, all the things that are important to you. How do they feel about animals? How do they feel about kids? How do they feel about other people, about friends, about what are their TV viewing habits? What are the things. That they like to talk about. All of those kinds of stuff, write it all down. Everything down, don't censor yourself in any way. So to now, let's go through that list, go through that list and really, really, really get clear. Yeah, it would absolutely be nice to have somebody that was, that came orchestrated like that. That isn't how life works. It doesn't work. You're not that way. They're not that way. Go through that list and what is absolutely most important. When I was doing this with one client of mine, he had this whole list of characteristics of what he wanted. His wife to be. How tall she was, the gorgeous body, the brilliant smile, all through a whole bunch of stuff. And I told him, Dennis sense of the list night, his sensor, him for it right out, whatever you feel is important. That's what he did. And then as he went through that last and he went through that list and he went through that list and he went through that list. There were two things. That he selected traits that she had to have. Would you like to know what those were. The first one is she absolutely positively had to want children. And the second one was, must love animals. He didn't. He preferred cats. That was the thing. However, a person who loved animals as what was important to him, he had a list that was four pages long. And sent it down to just those two things. And now he had to recognize he recognized for himself as he was going through that list of two. And step three often have happened together. That he realized that was who he was at his heart. That's what he liked to be validated for, not how smart he was, not how much money was in his bank account. Not all the various different papers that he had written. None of that. What mattered was the fact that yes. He wanted to have a child with a significant other. And cats were really a big part of his life. And so now he owned that within himself. Often, what needs to happen in this kind of situation is if you're on dating, get out there and start dating. You've got to go out there and you got to meet people. It's just the way that it is, where you're meeting them online. You're seeing people in coffee shops. And this mile has smiles on your face more often and now dare to do something composed lately. Out of the box. Would you like to know what that is in that? Getting yourself out there in that, talking to more people, expand your dating pool. I'm not talking about dating narcissistic, fuckwits, things like that. Although you certainly can cause of me, figure out more of what you don't want. Expand your dating pool and decide to date somebody. Maybe their age is a little bit different. Maybe their body looks a little different. Expand your dating pool. Start having more conversations with more people. Talk with them. Get to know them. What's important to them. Usually, you can figure out pretty quickly who you absolutely never, ever want to see your talk to again? And it gets intriguing to find out more layers more of, Hmm. I wonder what this person gets excited about. I wonder what lights this person up. Those are my first questions. Whenever I am speaking with anybody. And even if I haven't asked the question of them, I'm asking that question of myself. Hmm. And getting to know this person. I wonder what their passions are because they become a parent. Very quickly. Cher and listen. Listen and share, get to know other people. And seemed like in this dating we're on that, like this fast track, not only do you need this, gotta be the perfect person. And oh, by the way, you got to feel that physical chemical, and you gotta feel that emotional and you gotta feel all of that. Take a breath. And relax. Because you're in for the long game. You are in for. You're alive. You're in for their life. You're in for you're in for the fun of it for the ride of it, for the journey of it. For the exhilarating deliciousness of it all. And then, and I can teach you this. I'm not going to do it here on this podcast. This is where you're going to actually have to have a conversation with me. I'm going to teach you how you do the call for your soulmate. And you have to have done all the steps first. Because you can only do the call once. As you activate that within yourself, within your field for them to find you. So, remember, write everything down. Every single characteristic. He, they, she has to have. No matter how detailed, no matter how small, no matter how petty, no matter how exaggerates how exorbitant. And now really go through that list. And what does a nice to have, what is a deal breaker? What is a must have. And until you have that list narrowed down to three, you keep working on that process. And then. Recognize realize that those three things, two things, that one thing that is who you already are, you need to acknowledge it. You need to be at. And this isn't anything that you have to aspire to be. This is already who you truly be. You just need to own it. Resonate. It sear that with others. Expand. And potential people who are interesting potential mates. Potential soulmates. And just get to know a lot of other people be curious, listen, Talk share yourself. Listen. Share share, listen over and over and over again. It gets really exciting to learn people's passions. And then, and he got to contact me for this. Is that there is your soul may call. You had to have done. All the steps first, because you're going to lend you that call once. So, if you haven't booked a session with me already, remember go-to book with lisa.me. That's book with lisa.me. Follow this podcast. And. Have all of those life changing experiences and bring your soulmate. Into your life. Because you are magical. Hugh are definitely fucking worth it. And you are at delightful gift, the world of radiates. So until next time, this is Lisa. I'll see you soon. Bye-bye.

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