9 Top Things - Looking for Love Do's - Part 1 -Soulmate Manifesting DO'S for Women to Create a New Relationship This Year
I've had a lot of requests about soulmate, about relationship and have had a lot of questions, queries. And so I've decided to devote the next several podcasts specifically to this. If you listened to the last podcast, we specifically talked about the soul mate journey.
What you must do what you must put out there. And we're going to take the conversation a little bit further today. We're going to talk about a list of manifestation dues, things that you must do. So mate, to do's have to do not nice to do. Must do must get congruent with, so get your pen and paper or listen to this podcast again.
Today's podcast. I don't know about how many of you have dealt with weight. Body image have decided that you needed to lose two...
Hey everybody. It's Lisa again, un-fuck your life podcast. And today it's one of my favorite nutso favorite topics. I just love the juiciness...
Does This Thought Make My Butt Look Fat