Ep; 108: Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History

Episode 108 December 18, 2023 00:11:17
Ep; 108: Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep; 108: Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History

Dec 18 2023 | 00:11:17


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

Welcome to another episode of "Un-fuck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness," hosted by Lisa. In this episode, Lisa explores the profound statement, "Well-behaved women rarely make history," and reveals what this phrase means to her personally.

Lisa starts by recounting how a friend once noticed a bumper sticker on her car with this saying and asked if she wanted to make history. While she didn't correct her friend, Lisa clarifies that her interpretation of the phrase isn't about making a mark on history in the conventional sense. Instead, it signifies her rejection of being considered "well-behaved" ever again.

She delves into the universal experience of feeling misunderstood and the common search for validation from external sources, like romantic relationships, parental approval, or coworkers' opinions. Lisa emphasizes that seeking validation externally is ultimately futile and redirects the focus to what one truly wants for themselves.

As a life coach, Lisa emphasizes the significance of creating a safe space for open and honest conversations about pain, dreams, ideas, and hopes. She encourages listeners to discover and embrace their unique strengths and superpowers while letting go of the need for external validation.

Throughout the episode, Lisa champions self-acceptance and self-love, urging listeners to look in the mirror and appreciate themselves, free from the judgments of past mistakes or others' misinterpretations. She reiterates that there is nothing inherently wrong with any of us, and personal growth doesn't involve fixing oneself.

In essence, "Un-fuck Your Life" is a podcast that celebrates individuality, self-validation, and the journey toward authenticity. It empowers listeners to resonate with their inner desires and live life unapologetically. Lisa concludes by inviting listeners to book a discovery session with her for further exploration of this transformative path to self-discovery.

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Episode Transcript

Hey, everybody. Welcome to another episode of Un-fuck Your Life. Embrace your awesomeness, the podcast that celebrates you on apologetically, living your adventurous life. I'm Lisa, and for the next little bit, we're going to hang out together and have a great discussion on well behaved women rarely make history and why this is important to me, why this particular saying. Is important to me, but first, if you haven't done so already, could you please like share, follow this podcast, share it with your friends. I really appreciate it. And now back to the topic of well-behaved women rarely make history. I liked the sound of this and a friend who had seen this bumper sticker on my car. He said to me, oh, you want to make history? And I didn't correct him. However, that's not what this saying means to me, what they're saying means to me is I never, ever in my whole life ever wanted to be considered. Behaved ever again. Has anybody else out there felt that they've ever been misunderstood, that people take something that you say out of context or that they think that they know who you are based on a couple of things that you've said, or you've done. And they really get it wrong. And I was looking for that search for valid dation. And I didn't realize that I kept searching in all of those places where validation for oneself could not be found. I kept looking for it in the eyes of a guy that I was dating. In wanting to hear it from my parents and hearing it from their coworkers. And honestly, it doesn't matter how many times someone validates you. They say you're gorgeous. They say you're beautiful because then there's those other times that, not all of us are thinking at the same time. They might also say something that is misunderstood. They might inadvertently call you fat or call you stupid. Anybody ever had that happen or was that just me? I've actually had some people say it to my face. And so when there is this talking, there is this. Resonation, not resignation, this resonation with what it is that you want for yourself. What I didn't realize in owning the part where I never wanted to be considered well behaved ever again. I wasn't paying enough attention to what it is. That I did want, what do you want to be steamed for yourself? Do you want to be appreciated for your ideas? What is it that you want for you? Because the focus needs to be more on what we want. And then as we're having a conversation with other people, cause what I hear from, I'm a coach in real life. And so what I hear time and time from people is, oh my goodness, it's so safe to talk with you. It's so safe to share my pain with you. It's so safe for me to share my crazy wacky, wonderful ideas with you on my hopes and my dreams. And what I wish were different. It's just so easy. We all have a savant. We all have a superpower. And you becoming a line with what that is for you letting go of the need to be validated, letting go of people, thinking that you're just in it to make history. And if you're in it to make history, Hey, more power to you own it. If I'm in it, never to be. Considered well behaved again. I wanted to be appreciated for my own thoughts from my own. Ideas and here's the trick. Oh baby. Here's the trick. His first. And foremost, he got to do it for you. And sometimes this takes looking at your gorgeous self in the mirror, seeing you're looking yourself in the eyes and adding that vibration, that energy to it so that your eyes twinkle. And then we can really feel it inside. I see you. I see you. I have that smile on your face book, in your eyes, in the mirror. I see you. I'm in the process of learning to love and appreciate every single thing that there isn't bout hero. And allowing that to resonate. Within your body. Your eyes, your smile into your skin, your loving. Beautiful wonderful hearts in your gut, your legs, your feet in your whole entire aura. Is that. Seeing that for yourself, feeling that for yourself, letting go of all the times that you made mistakes. That you've gotten it wrong that you didn't, you weren't clear. It doesn't matter. It's all those times that you're choosing to resonate. To be. With that combining your gorgeous energy with that acknowledging you. Because I can acknowledge you and validate you. And I do. Hello. Gorgeous. Welcome to your fabulous life. I'm so excited to be with you today and it's absolutely 100 fucking percent true. And as you own that for yourself, as you resonate with that. As you align with that as you validate that within yourself, not me. You. And through me. It becomes more you cause that's one of my superpowers is being able to hear a person. Here what's coming out of their mouth. Here what's in their heart. And as you resonate more with what is in your heart? What is in your mind? And. Choosing that, Hey, this is me and this is okay. In fact, it's more than okay. And all those days that you don't feel okay for whatever reason. Acknowledge that's where it is in this moment. And you're choosing to be okay with not being okay. There's nothing about you to be fixed. Changing your life is not about fixing anything. That's wrong with you because there's nothing fucking wrong with you. It's always a choice of what you want a little bit more of and in. That resonation in that. Aligning with that, owning that and being with that. Is in this moment, whatever I am feeling, whatever you are feeling is exactly right. I'm going to need a single fucking person to make you feel good or bad about yourself and yet everything about in this lifetime. Seems to be orchestrated around that only because there's a lot of people that, that makes it a big fucking deal about making that. And it's not true. It never has been true. It never will be true. It's not true. It comes from within. The beauty that is you. The goals that you set, that you create and you set for yourself that you follow through with your choice to allow the world to experience you knew that day and the days that you decide to maybe hide, maybe hunkered down, maybe you're working on something else. We all have those days, we all have those moments. And this podcast celebrates you, unapologetically being you and striving for what is next. Never fixing what is broken because you're not broken. And so you will align with what it is with you. You resonate with that? You stop fucking making it wrong. And you would show. And the beautiful things that you see in the mirror and the sparkly little eyes and that wonderful, gorgeous smile. And just breathing that all in. And owning it for yourself. A lot of people say, oh, please just don't let me be misunderstood. Understanding yourself. Aligning with yourself. It sounds so simple, right? And it is it's practice, repeat, repeat, choosing every single day. So let's go through that formula again. You've heard it from me. Before many times I always freeze it in a slightly different way. Except when I don't. And then when I do. Is that. He make that connection. What is it that you want and knowing what you don't want is a really long way towards annoying what you do want. I never wanted to be considered well behaved ever again. What does that mean? It means it's okay. But if my hair isn't perfectly calmed, if I don't have makeup on, if I have whatever outfit I'm choosing to wear that day, wherever outlandish thing I'm doing. I O K with that. And you get okay with that. You make that connection with that gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous being that you see in the mirror, those sparkly eyes. That wonderful smile. This is what I two's for me. This is what I choose for me. And you align your energy with it. You resonate with this. And on the days that there's I just kinda need to sleep or I need to lie in, or nothing's quite working. Is that. Don't think that wrong. Be with those moments. Cherish and love who you are in that moment. You're never wrong. It's where you are and choosing Tuesday more and more. What it is that you do want appreciation for yourself or appreciation for one cell that's resonating? Because I could say till the cows come home and I will say it till the cows come home and you internalize it, bring it in for yourself. Hey, do you want to know a little bit more about how to do this? Then you don't book that go discovery session with me. Go out to book with me. Excuse me, but with lisa.me again, this book with lisa.me, schedule your discovery session. And I'll walk you through those steps because you living your life for yourself as the only fucking thing that matters. It's the only thing that patters. Are you living for yourself where people used to tell me that was the most conceited thing of all? No, it's not because you've living for yourself automatically frees people and encourages people to live their life in their dreams too. To be heard to be Mitt, to be understood, to understand yourself, to validate yourself. That's what it's all about. So remember gorgeous. Resonate. Validate acknowledge. See your gorgeous self. And to use more and more of that more and more each day. So until next time, this is Lisa. Keep watching because we got some stuff coming down the pike for you. Till next time. Bye-bye. Tried to leave it long enough.

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