Ep. 106: Quantum Breakthroughs: 3 Dynamic Keys to Shatter Your Old Life and Launch into Your New Reality

Episode 106 December 04, 2023 00:09:20
Ep. 106: Quantum Breakthroughs: 3 Dynamic Keys to Shatter Your Old Life and Launch into Your New Reality
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep. 106: Quantum Breakthroughs: 3 Dynamic Keys to Shatter Your Old Life and Launch into Your New Reality

Dec 04 2023 | 00:09:20


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

In this empowering episode, the host, Lisa, invites listeners to celebrate their uniqueness unapologetically and to embrace a life filled with adventure and risk. She introduces the concept of quantum breakthroughs, transformative changes that can occur on both small and large scales, which are key to shattering one's old life and launching into a new reality. Lisa outlines a simple, yet dynamic, three-step formula for personal change:

1. **Want and Believe**: The first step is about cultivating a strong desire for change and believing in its possibility. Lisa encourages listeners to want more for themselves and to believe they are deserving of their dreams, no matter the scale.

2. **Choose and Be Mindful**: In the second step, listeners are urged to make conscious choices every day. Being vigilant and mindful about these choices is crucial. Lisa emphasizes the power of waking up with a positive mindset and the importance of mindfulness in shaping one's desired reality.

3. **Repeat**: The final step is repetition. Lisa stresses the importance of consistently applying the first two steps to ensure lasting change.

Throughout the episode, Lisa emphasizes self-belief and the magic within each individual. She encourages listeners to write down their desires, believe in their feasibility, and energetically pursue them. Lisa also offers a discovery session on her website for those looking to make significant changes in their lives.

In conclusion, Lisa assures listeners that they are dynamic, magical beings capable of crafting their own narratives and achieving their dreams through belief, choice, vigilance, mindfulness, and repetition. She invites everyone to book a session with her to delve deeper into these life-changing strategies.

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Episode Transcript

Hey everybody. Lisa welcome to another episode of on fuck your life and race your awesomeness. This is the podcast that celebrates you unapologetically. I live in your adventure risk life. Ah, I get chills every time I think about that. If only I had been told that when I was a little girl, however, that's part of the fun of life. So for those of you who want some changes in your life who are making things happen in your life? And you just want to air a couple of things out with me. Book a discovery session with [email protected] that's book with lisa.me. Go out there, grab a time let's chat for let's chat and make it happen. So today I want to talk about quantum breakthroughs. Quantum breakthroughs are things that happen on they happen on a major scale. They happen a little scale that makes the big scale happen. And these are the three dynamic keys to shatter. Your old life and launch into your new reality. The formula is very simple. I'm going to go through it really quickly here and let you know. So if you haven't had chance to grab a pen and paper yet, Go ahead and do so we'll be going over these a couple of times. The process is simple. The first thing is you must want it for yourself. You choose to believe it is possible for you, even if you're not quite there yet. The second one is choose. And in choosing this for yourself, you must be vigilant. You must be mindful and you must be energetic. So remember, the first one is, believe it and wanted. The second one is choose. Be vigilant, be mindful, be energetic. And the third one. Is repeat, repeat, repeat. What does that mean? Let's go through each of those steps individually. So you must want it. Of course you probably already thinking, of course I want it. Check in, is this what you really want? What is it that you want for yourself? Write out all of the things, the laundry list. Of whatever it is. You want a new relationship. You want a better relationship with a significant, they. Other than you already have, you want a different job. You want to go back to school, you want to pack up and move halfway around the world. You want to learn a new language. You'd like to volunteer at a soup kitchen. You want to do whatever it is you want to do believe that it is possible because there's no dream. That's too little. And there's no dream. That's too big and there's no, you, that is so insignificant as to not make that happen. You are a magical being. That's part of this wanting and believing this believing in yourself process. Now let's go through the second step in detail in the choosing. I can't tell you Matt, how many people have said to me, Lisa, I want you to just work on me so that I choose this every single day. And I'm like, okay, we've. And do the magic. However, you also need to do this step where you choose when you wake up in the morning. That's the choice to wake up with a smile on your face. Choose the today is a day that's magical in some way that you can make anything happen. We must be vigilant. There's all those. Negatory thoughts that are going on inside of a person's mind, not just your mind, not just my mind. Everybody on the planet has some form of a negative. Thought and guess what? They don't matter. They don't matter. They don't matter as much as choosing. And this instant, what do I want? Oh yeah. I want a relationship. And get into the beef vigilant and get into the mindfulness. Okay. So the mindfulness what is that relationship? Do I want a relationship that looks like Susie's Timmy's. Like friends. Do I want components of each of those be specific? Write them out. What does it look like? What does it feel like? What does it smell like tastes like, what is the vibration of all of that? When you see today, would you like to smile? Would you like to wave? Would you like to hug? Would you like to embrace? Would you just like to ah, Whatever it is, you were vigilant about what it is mindful and now throw your energy into it. Do you like how I said. Energy because energy is your life force. And we're not going really. Fast and really loud, every single second of every single day. And hers. He is also the. Optimism. The happiness, the joyfulness about it, the belief in oneself. As you're learning to believe more in the power of your dreams and making those happen. Does it feel more optimistic? Does it feel more of a beat? What does it. What does a person who feels that way? what are they? Show. What do they emulate? What is that? What is the smile on the face? What is the sparkle in twinkle, in their eyes? These are things that you can make happen, and I don't care what your story was yesterday. I don't care what your story was last week. You are creating your narrative, your story. You were fantastic fucking life now, now, now, now that's why these keys are dynamic because you are dynamic and you. Our magical. And so with your energy, with your vigilance, with your choice, with your mindfulness, with your attention, To more of what you want turning away from what it is that you don't want turning away from. You don't get upset with yourself. Because you found yourself thinking that crappy thought you're like, oh, that's right. I choose this. I choose this. Put your body into it. Put your energy into it. Be vigilant. And now the third steps. Really easy. Repeat, repeat, repeat. What was that? Lisa, repeat. Do it again. Do it again. Do it again. Do it again. To believe. Be vigilant, be energetic. Be mindful of repeat, repeat, repeat. You're sharing your dreams with people that inspire you, that motivate you. Likeminded individuals who are just crazy and wacky enough to believe that they can create your reality, that you create your reality, that they create their reality. We're just a bunch of crazy people who believe in the power of us. And even if we don't believe it yet, we're on the path to making it happen. You are not finished. You are not complete. Your story has many chapters that. That you get to write. You are dynamic, you are unique. So let's go through those steps again, because remember the third step was repeat, repeat, repeat. Wanted, it's not the dream. That someone told you that you wanted all of that programming, all of the other things that other people want. You choose what it is for yourself. Some people may think it's weird. They may think it's they may think it's foolish. So the fuck what. You wanted and begin to believe that it's possible for you and not only possible for you. It is a teen of all for you. You can make it happen. And how do you do this? You choose every single moment, as often as you think about it. And I see it as often as you think about it, because when you're first aware, oh, do it. Oh, choose it. Oh, choose it. Oh, choose it. You're gonna fall into that pattern where you're just out of magically. Beginning to do this because you've talked with your. Awareness your consciousness. With your wild and wonderful self. And your Tuesday night you're being. Vigilant. It's oh, that's right. I'm thinking that kind of thought again. Okay. Mindful. What is the thought that I want to be thinking? What supports my dream? Oh with those things. Those are the fun questions. Those are the life changing questions. That's the quantum breakthrough of creating your reality. Now, your life now, your. Your image, your. Every single thing about you. That is wonderful. That is fabulous. That is gorgeous. I know you hear me say these words a lot. And I do that because it's true. I do that because it's you, I do that because stop short. Yourself and start exponential in yourself. Repeat. Repeat repeat. And so book a session with, be a free session. We'll go over this in a little bit more detail because you want it, you choose it and you repeat. You repeat your repeat. And so my friends until next time, this is Lisa. We got a lot more coming down the pike for you. Stay tuned and I'll see you again soon. Bye-bye.

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