Ep 105: F & K, The First Step into a Daring Life

Episode 105 November 27, 2023 00:15:22
Ep 105: F & K, The First Step into a Daring Life
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep 105: F & K, The First Step into a Daring Life

Nov 27 2023 | 00:15:22


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

**Podcast Summary: Un-fuck Your Life - Celebrating Adventurous Living**

In this empowering episode of "Un-fuck Your Life," your host Lisa champions the unique, adventurous spirit in each listener. She encourages embracing the things that make you distinct and celebrates the "weird, unique, crazy, awesome" actions that only you can accomplish. With a call for listeners to engage through likes and shares, Lisa sets the tone for a session about self-acceptance, forgiveness, and kindness.

The concept of 'adventurous living' is defined not by societal standards but by personal passion and what brings joy to the individual. As the holiday season approaches, themes of gratitude and the need for life-changing resolutions are discussed, emphasizing the speed at which time flies and the excitement it brings.

Lisa shares her personal anticipation for reuniting with family and delves into the first steps towards living adventurously and authentically. She dismisses external definitions of success in favor of lighting your own spark, with a special focus on forgiveness and kindness as fundamental components. She introduces a 'clear and release' technique, an exercise for self-reflection and affirmation, which can be practiced through her recorded guidance.

The episode also touches on the heavy expectations imposed by society and the liberating act of breaking free from them. Lisa stresses the importance of forgiving oneself and extending that forgiveness to others, advocating for a life lived daringly and unapologetically. She concludes with an invitation to join the upcoming 'adventurous tribe,' a community for like-minded individuals seeking to live fully and vibrantly.

Listeners are encouraged to reach out for a copy of the 'clear and release' regime and to book a personal chat with Lisa to explore their passions further. The episode ends on a high note, reminding everyone that they are fabulous and capable of living a life filled with adventure, kindness, and self-forgiveness.


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Episode Transcript

Hello. Gorgeous. How are you today? This is a Lisa and work to Un-fuck Your Life. The podcast that celebrates you. I don't know, apologetically it, living your adventurous life. That's right. The ultimate effort. And I love F words and. Before we get going on this podcast, could you take a second and hit, like hit share, hit subscribe all of the above this podcast. I really, really, really, really appreciate it. Thank you so much. And in this, in this podcast, we are all about celebrating you, celebrate you, adventurously living celebrate you. Celebrate you doing that thing. That weird, unique, crazy. Awesome. Brilliant. Innovated peaceful, loving, caring, kind, joyously, delicious, absolutely tasteful and everything else thing that you do that only you can do that. There are things that you do better than anyone else in the world. Anyone else. And that's why we are coining this adventurous living because adventurous living. Isn't how I define it. It doesn't have the woman next to finds it. It isn't how Oprah defined it. Isn't that how Brittany to find anyone else to find it. Adventurous living is a wide is passion. What is exciting? What is brilliant? What is at the end of the day? You. Feel good at that? Yes, today. It was fun to Dave was brilliant. Today. Ah, I can't wait for the sleep, the peace of my bed. And to wake up tomorrow. And so that's why. Here in the United States. I know a lot of you guys are listening at other countries and here in the United States is that we're about to start our holiday season. And it begins with Thanksgiving where we are grateful and thankful, and there's a lot of forgiveness. Based. Just off a past year of all of the years of, everybody is always talking about life changing new year's resolutions. And the times leading up in this season, they, the time moves so quickly and there's just so much excitement and there's so much energy and there's so much fucking drama to write. Hello, I'm heading home for the holidays and I'm really looking forward to it. I haven't seen my parents in a few years in the flesh. I've. I've talked to them. Once or twice a week for forever. And. I really started thinking about what are some key components? What are those first steps? And those adventurous, an adventurous living in daring to live in just fucking being yourself, because there is how one magazine defines you as being Uber successful. And another one does it, and this podcast said this and that podcast said that. And the truth of the matter is that you get ideas from all of these different things. What it is though what lights you, her spark. What increases your spark because that's the spark is what it's all about. And so forgiveness and kindness. Let's talk about that. Not just for the holiday season, it's just great to talk about it this time of year. However, there is part of everything and then I have a special gift for you. This clear and release regime that I had been working on for a long time. And I've actually recorded some while the adventurous play book is not quite ready for consumption yet. I went ahead and got started with this clear and release technique. And I've recorded some with you. So you can say it with me. You can repeat after me silently to yourself in the evening before you're going to bed, or you can even write it out. During the day, because. That's what it's all about are those key components. It's not just looking at yourself in the mirror and liking who as looking at yourself in the mirror and giving her a little wink, giving her a little wig. For those of you who are watching a little snippets of this, there's a little wink. There's a. I miss devious little smile. Now watch the body language with this. Okay. As just whatever it is, issue. As you. You can pick a kiss at kissing noise, a kissing sound. The things that happened with your body, with your hands, what. As the light in your eyes, it begins to twinkle and a little sparkle a little bit more because that's what kindness is that, that wink that you give to yourself that. Ooh. I wonder what delicious things are going to be in store for me today. And then there's all those other parts that all of a sudden. Here breath feels heavy. You go Ooh, or. Or all of us that in there's. There was like a heaviness or maybe you don't call it a heaviness, but there was something that jarred you, that, that took you from flying and floating back down into. I'm shit I'm lower than life. Whatever that spiel is that thing that, it's so prevalent and human fucking conditioning, and, as much as we try to do it differently, where. How the program is just out there everywhere, where everybody is being compared and, somebody. In order for someone to be good. Everyone else has to be treated like shit and God stopped the. The fucking sit already. You know what I mean? Kindness and forgiveness you are during life, just because you get to live a during life. Or I get to dear beloved during life doesn't mean that all the other fucking people in the world don't get to love a dairy life because they fucking do. They get to, yes, I know what I'm saying. Fuck a lot. I was saying fucking awful lot. Today because it's okay, let's shake it. Let's shake the silliness. Let's shake the stupidity of it all. And it's not meanness. It's not frankness. It's kindness. The wink that we have for yourself, this mile that you have for yourself, that then you start because you're giving it to yourself. Now you're giving it to other people. And then there's all of that forgiveness. Yeah. I know you got a laundry list. Long Santa Claus was keeping a list, checking its wives, finding out who's naughty and nice. Just what a fuck. I'm a lot of bullshit. None of us are perfect. We all live our lives. And yet, we keep going back to. We keep being drawn back to because we're so ingrained in us that you need to be perfect. And by the way, you're shit and you should be better. And by the way, you're set and you should be better. And by the way, people controlling us and that book from Brittany Spears. Here she lives in America, supposedly the land of the free and legally, she has been incarcerated legally for all those goddamn years. Are you fucking kidding me? And until she reached out, picked up a phone call nine one one and said, I want to report abuse. And let me tell you, I was once the person who picked up that phone to call. Call on somebody to report abuse and that call takes a lot of fucking courage. It takes a lot of fucking courage. And then afterwards, there's the, oh God, what did I do? Oh God, what did I do? Except. There is the, I chose to live that pattern interrupt. And this is what this forgiveness and stuff is. And this is what this kindness is. Those the winks, those nods, those guffaws those little happy feelings, happy stances and stuff like that is this is vibration it's vibes and vibration is power and vibration is high and vibration is intoxicating. And vibration is that's what you feel. Sometimes if you're looking at a flower, you're looking at a plant, you're listening to some kind of a music, something caught your eye in a book or. In a video store, there's this game that's doing whatever there is something that's attractive. That's a lot more joyous, but it seems to be a lot more free. This a lot more exciting enticing. The G is so flavorful that you can almost smell it. It's so flavorful that you could practically taste it and you can hear it. All of those little beeps and stuff like that. Have you noticed on washing machines these days and on the dishwashers, they don't just. That they're done. No, they seek a happy little tune to. Do you know, they sing they're inviting and it's oh, listen, look into that. It's the dishes are dry. The clothes are ready to switch into there's that. Vibrational frequency. And that is that kindness. That is that forgiveness. That is you. And we take these tiny little steps. It says, you're looking at yourself in the mirror and you give yourself. Give yourself a little pink. Just give yourself a little wink out, and then another little link. And then just see how good that feels because the little wig it's I know a secret. And you're part of the secret and we're in on the secret of the secret is that, you know what, you're pretty fucking fabulous. Did you know how fucking fabulous you are? That's right. I said, you're fucking fabulous. They, you are living a daring adventurous life because you define it. You decide what that is, and you get together with all of your other crazy wonderful wild wacky pals who are also on this adventurous living. And oh my goodness whatever crazy idea you have, like you want to go down and you want to give free hugs. You'd like to volunteer at a homeless shelter. You'd like to volunteer at a food bank. You'd like to deliver meals. You'd like to, read the little kids you'd like to read to the blind. Oh my goodness. You'd like to jump off. A bridge you'd like to with parachute or Bungee funding card of some guide. And, and jump out of an airplane and whatever that is, you'd like to just go to a foreign country, get your picture taken. And I say the Eiffel tower me. Maybe you'd like to go. Just to the next state, just to the next town. And adventure is you. It's what you decide. People have said that I've lived a very daring life. They said that, I'm like the epitome and they don't know how much time I spend alone. They don't know how much time. That I used to spend in darkness. Because it felt like I was all alone and I didn't have anyone to talk to. No one to share, because every time I shared one of my really crazy ideas that I really, I remember the time that, I wanted to be the mascot in high school and. I can remember my best friend saying to me I'd like to be supportive, but I really don't understand why that was important to you. It doesn't fucking matter. Why anything is important to anybody. It only matters that it's important to you. It only matters and that we say yes to you. And then more importantly, you say yes to you. And this is F and K. This is forgiveness and kindness. This is kindness and forgiveness. It's letting go of all of the, everything, all of the shit, all of the attachment, all of the, everything, nobody's gone down fucking perfect. We're just not, oh my God. Could you imagine. How much pressure that is, it's already enough pressure that people have you ever had to lift people. Oh, Lisa, she does this and she does that. She does that. And in the meantime, you remember your parents said this about you and that person said that about you. And it's you feel like an imposter and I am not the only one who's ever felt that way. And you are not the only one who's ever felt that way. They talk about this all the fucking time. There isn't a single person who has accomplished anything in their life that has not had that imposter conversation. We hear about it all of the time, then write about it. And writers' groups. I belong to many writers groups. And we talk about these very things. And what we need to talk about a lot more is F and K F and K F and K F and K F and K forgiveness and kindness, kindness and forgiveness, forgiveness, and kindness. And I know I'm repeating, repeating, repeating, as I do that sometimes. At that forgiveness that's. So I have this release and clear regime. So while I'm finishing up the adventurous playbook, please check this out. And if you just want to have a quick conversation with me just a quick conversation, make sure you go and book an appointment on book with lisa.me. That's book with lisa.me, book a discovery session, whatever you want to chat about for 15 minutes, I'm more than happy to chat with you about because you are gorgeous. You are fabulous. And the more than more and more that message goes in that you start believing, accepting and saying and whinging at yourself in the. Fucking mirror and grinning at yourself a little bit more and smiling at other people a little bit more and feeling a little bit lighter and oh yeah, let's see. I forgive. I forgive. I forgive. I forgive. And yes, I'm saying this in different kinds of ways, because it's important. It is important on unlocking all of the restraints and the shackles that have confined you for so many goddamn fucking years. That's how you do it is that you dance with it and you play with it. And as you let go of it, because you let go of everything you let go of all of it. And ha because you don't have to sit there and wonder, oh, I gotta hang on to this. I've gotten rid of that. I got to hang on to this. Let go of it all, because now what's important to you that, which is really you, that which nurtures you and feeds you. And allows you to grow, unless that line shine. Fuels your spark. Oh, my goodness. It comes back and you catch it and you flick it out even more and it comes back and you catch it and you fling it out even more. That's how it works. As we enter into not just the holiday season, it's just amplified. So stay tuned for details because the adventurous tribe. Is going to be launching in December, not very long. And right now you can get in on a super low price. So send me an email, Lisa dot [email protected]. I've got it in the notes. Lisa dot [email protected]. Let me get to you. The written form of the Klaeren release was shame, and I've got a few spoken forms too, and you can listen to it. You can listen, repeat silently after yourself. It's great to do it at the end of the day. It's also great to do it any different time during the day when you're taking a few minutes for you. Write it out, speak it out, dance it out. Use your body. Because we are here celebrating you. We are here to find out what your passion is, what your, to, to see more of that in the world, because whatever, any person's particular brand. Of brilliance, zany, newness, expressiveness, wackiness, brilliance, the world needs it. The world needs you. The rug needs you to see you. Not who everybody told you. You were not everybody who everybody told you. You shouldn't be. You just as Y O U. Brilliant spectacular. Fabulous full of. LIS potential. For anything that you choose that inspires you? Your voice. Your smile. Everything. About you. Yeah. Forgiveness and kindness, gorgeous forgiveness and kindness, baby. Don't forget. Send me an email. And I'll get that release in clear regime to you. So until next time you have yourself, a fucking awesome, fabulous, flirtatious, fun too. Whoo day. See you next time.

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