Ep; 69: Don't Trip Over What's Behind You

June 27, 2022 00:12:58
Ep; 69: Don't Trip Over What's Behind You
Unf*ck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness
Ep; 69: Don't Trip Over What's Behind You

Jun 27 2022 | 00:12:58


Hosted By

Lisa Grunden

Show Notes

Don't Trip Over What's Behind You

You don't have anything to prove to anyone EVER.

It's all about the Art of the Self Talk.

Those piles of crap back there stink and mess up your Outfit.

It's You Power not willpower that creates the Magic.

"What lies behind you and what lies in front of you pales in comparison to what lies inside of you." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


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